Ok, for most it's not a happy tax day, but if you haven't done your taxes yet-file an extension. What the hell took you so long to do so anyway??? AYE! Lots of specials around because of tax day-I heard PF Changs is taking 10 or 20% off meals, Cinnabon is giving away free something or others, Arby's has Free value fries..and so on...
- Speaking of deals-check out Virgin America-they's got's some deals here!
- This was the first morning I didn't drink coffee. i'm not cutting coffee out of my life, but i'm also not going to drink it first thing. I made my yummy smoothie and am enjoying it. It lasts for a couple of hours and then i eat lunch. If i feel like I need coffee later I'll grab some of the wannabe stuff they serve here.
- Hot on Hautelook-I think the best deal on there today is Groove-Sandals, wedges, slip ons, etc. 17-24 bucks...not bad.
- Ideal on Ideeli-Hair Essentials-i love hair stuff and when it's a good price it's even better!
- Oh yay I get to go to the dentist today. woop woop. I love cleanings but hate when they poke around with their mini stabbing utensil and check the depthness of the gums or whatever they do. I am sure they find joy in causing people pain...Ok Ok, I am not so bad at the dentist. I love cleanings, I just hate when they interrupt with work. You see, I found out YESTERDAY that they no longer have 5pm appts, which my wonderful little reminder postcard said. They called yesterday and made the appointment an hour earlier without giving me much of an option. Grr. Oh well, I can't miss my cleanings.
- Oh look Jetblue is officially competing with Virgin...Cheap flights! Lucky for me I already got my flights!
- YES Smashing Pumpkins Lego!!!

- I feel really calm so far today. No coffee in my system. A little more relaxed even though i have pain in my neck and shoulder today. Still drinking my smoothie. yum...
- I need to get blood drawn. I went yesterday at lunch but there were too many people waiting. I went this morning and once again, too many people waiting. UGH. so frustrating.
- Whats for dinner tonight??? hmmm, good question. I'm thinking some Indiany Curry thing...maybe...I need to get inspired...better go through my pinterest board.
- There was something i wanted to say, but I totally forgot what it was. Oh well i tried to make a paper airplane at work to hit my coworker with and it bombed. :( Here's an Ehow link, which I don't think will really help me...lol. Can't someone just make one for me???
- Alrighty, i'm a gonna let you go. otay. otay. I've been pretty boring lately. sorry.
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