- My Christmas playlist has grown. You see you have to have the music all figured out before a party. You don't want the same song to play right next to eachother even if they're by two different artists and genres. 123 songs and i realized i never uploaded my Reverend Horton Heat Christmas CD which I need to do before it gets lost with all the other CD's. Here's a song that I grew up with.
- I have a headache. Damn ibuprofen hasn't been working. I've had a headache for like 4 days. thanks head.
- I have ONE more present to buy and I cannot for the life of me figure out what to get this person. I'm hoping that Gerry's shopping today helps out with that, because I officially need to get on with the Christmas party. It will be a busy week cooking wise. This is what i'm making this week:
i'm using my secret cheesecake recipe ofcourse, but doesn't it look pretty. This will be for my work party on Wednesday, aren't they lucky! lol.
Wednesday night I have to start the brownies, which will be decorated on Thursday like this
Part of the menu includes:Caprese Salad Bites
Baked Brie with Cranberry Sauce
Cheddar Breadsticks
dang i forgot the rest...I'm officially brain dead.
Let's see some funny Xmas food pictures!
There's definitely a lack of funny Christmas food on the internet. lol. But it seems like people get most creative with bacon. Have a great day!
P.S. For those people who are anti pitbull, staffordshire terrier, etc....If one of these dogs are with their owners and behaving, don't get all crazy and tell them their dog is vicious. You'll find yourself degraded by your lack of education and prejudice.