
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Less than a month until Turkey DAY!

Gobble Gobble people! Gobble Gobble! I love the holidays. It is my most favorite time of the year. I would live in Christmasland if i could. I don't know if there's such a thing, but if there was, I'd be there....well no, i probably wouldn't, because then it wouldn't be as special. So, I think I'm going to move from the whole "ooh look what i found for you" to "look at what would make a good present for me and for all of those other people you know". Well, I guess i could also give you links to cool things for you too.

Giants won last night! It was like watching a movie! The rain is pouring down on Giants stadium. The crowd was on their feet. Everyone was drenched. They WIN! (which i must add here, the Cardinals had no points). I teared up a bit. it was very romantic.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Blondie Bars-Lauren at Lauren's latest is amazing. She posted this recipe yesterday and i had to try it last night! So YUMMY!!!!! Also she looks super adorable so you should visit her page anyway!

By the way, no one pays me or asks me to go to their pages, I just do because I like what i see.

Thanksgiving! Who the heck doesn't like Thanksgiving!!??? whoever doesn't is missing out big time. Are you hosting? Are you in charge of the bird? side dishes? pies? etc....well say thank you to Epicurious because they're amazing and have many videos, tricks, ideas, recipes, go and check them out. 

Halloween is next week!!! So my "cop" costume (I like to put it in quotes because really it's a bodysuit with a hat and a badge) is missing something and I have come to the conclusion I need hot pink handcuffs. The fluffy ones. I think it will work. I'm not one for carrying a weapon, even if it's a toy. Although a taser doesn't sound like a bad thing........By the way, Gerry hasn't even bought his costume. 

What not to do when your girlfriend is doubling over with menstrual cramps.  I like saving lives. Especially the lives of clueless men. If men are willing to listen, than they deserve to be saved.  You see, sirs, sometimes we women get cramps. Some are controlled by Midol or pamprin and sometimes the evil bitch comes and she tears up the insides of your girlfriend and she looks like she is dying. she feels like it too. Things you should NOT do: #1 ignore her. i think that's the final and only thing on my list of shit you shouldn't do. We're in pain. We need to be cared for. Trust me when i say that getting up and walking around is not going to help. We need you to care for us. Do not imitate my boyfriend. He was on the computer for like an hour of my moaning and groaning before I think I got a little too loud that he was like "God are you ok?" This is when i think battery is ok...I should have hit him with a baseball bat, but since i couldn't move i was like "NO, get me some vicodin now." oh #2 would be don't ask stupid questions. 

Ring of the Day
Gerry did good and bought me this ring off Amazon after i sent him a link. Yes the skull has headphones on and yes that is a blue skeleton. He keeps my desk tidy.  How do you like the orange nails? Giants and Halloween colors!

Cool ideas for people on cool sites and stuff.....
Hautelook- So they have some iphone and ipad stuff by Mophie. Battery packs etc...I know nothing about iphones so check it out, good gift idea since i heard they're battery suckers.
Ideeli-Crown brush is back! i love these eye shadow palettes (i own two of them). I gave one to a friend last year and she loves it! tons of colors and their brushes aren't bad.
Rue La la-Need world series tickets....well they're selling them on Rue la la...and they're pricey. Click on the rue la la link and it will take you there...wish i had a couple of grand to go!!!
Doggyloot!-new site! animals need lovin too and the price on bully sticks is amazing. 10 low odor sticks for 18 bucks! woof woof people!!! and they make great puppy stocking stuffers!
MLB Yankee shop- if you're like me, than you'll want that cool yankee capris purse, the socks, the heart charm bracelet and some more tshirts! you can find other teams you know...if you're not as cool as me...LOL. 
The bloggess-if you don't know who she is, click the damn link. She's hilarious, her book is super funny and well she's awesome. so check her out. The link takes you to her cat wearing wigs and uhm, how did she get nail polish on his nails? I would wind up in the emergency room if i tried that on either one of our cats.

Pawsitive Dog Stories
Really this link is about the dogs that survived Michael Vick's fighting ring. This blog is about the dogs that were saved and how they're doing now. It's strange to me how some people can give up on animals so easily and dismiss them entirely. But those same people expect us to not do that to humans?  Everyone should sign up to this blog because it's amazing. This story is amazing, maybe not amazing in the sense that this dog rescued someone, but that this dog has overcome fear and been able to trust a human and has learned amazing things and has proven SOCIETY WRONG. Here's Uba and her successes.

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