
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!!

Hello All and Happy Halloween!!!
This is my costume at work today:
I will take pictures of my costume later. No way in hell i was going to wear it at work today....

This year Gerr and I didn't really do much for Halloween. We didn't even carve pumpkins or decorate the yard like we normally do. One year we had a party and had a graveyard with fun skeleton lights decorating our tree. I guess the World Series sorta ruined Halloween for us. I was so wrapped up in it I forgot about all of the fun and cool Halloween stuff. We did go to a maze with our close friends and we are going out tonight with maybe i'm just being a little hard on myself.

If you want to watch the Giants parade from the safety of your own office or home go to the livestream on the ABC News website. Click here

Last night was my last Chronic Pain Class. I'm so sad about it, but i get to go back to my normal schedule and make dinner the night before so I have LUNCH the next day!!! had to make a sandwich and i would rather have some chicken soup....homemade of course...

I am battling a cold and i think it's finally hitting me. Started to knock me down yesterday, but i think i have a bunch of "300" soldiers whooping the virus' ass, because i just feel a tad loopy.

Goodnight Ella-today a black lab that has been close to our friends and probably the only dog Bella doesn't freak out about is being put down. It was really sad to hear and i didn't know what to say. But i realized i didn't have to say anything. I will miss Ella. I will provide my friendship to my friends who will be hurting.

Sites and stuffs.
Plukka-hello beautiful....$425 bucks...for plukka that's
Rue La La-run do not walk to this sale. You will find items here for pretty cheap. Designer names...WOW...i wish i could shop for clothes right now!!!
Ideeli-Fun Christmas idea. Check out Crosley Radio. They have some cool items like ijukeboxes, record players, radios..etc...Very cool stuff at a good price.
Joss and Main-Halloween appropriate Gothic Edgar Allen Poe Art, themed furniture, books...check it out, some items are super cool. My fav:
hautelook-Hurry up and check out Miss Mooz-GREAT shoes, but they're going fast...while you're on the site, chekc out Mogo, magnetic charms...good stocking stuffers...

Positive Dog Story!
Ok this is also a stubbydog story (oh just sign up and get their emails, you won't regret it!!). The story is about a woman helping her husband by adopting a pitty and training her to become his service dog. I love that this woman loves her husband so much that she did whatever she could for him AND saved a doggy at the same time!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Superstorm Sandy and idiots.

It's not funny when you see people write the dumbest things on facebook in relation to natural disasters. I don't care what pictures are fake or whether a person in Florida thinks that the storm isn't too bad while a person in Jersey is like "uhm we're flooding and it's friggin bad." Stop with the fucking arguing asswipes. you live in two different states with different geographies. Seriously, stupidity LEAK. What's important is that we need to help the people, the animals and the whole damn city.  Also,  I could care less what pictures are fake. The insensitivity of some people makes me realize why these people ARE NOT close friends.

New York is my home town. It's my birth place. It's where my family is. There's no other place like it in the world. It has a heart beat stronger than any city I've ever been in. I hope that they get all the help they need.  If you've never been to New York....go. You won't regret it.

Stupid Comment i JUST READ ON FB-"they should do something about NY being at sea level, seeing as though sea level rises." Really? UHM...what the fuck do you want them to do???  Really i am astonished these people even survive life's daily turmoils...

My heart is broken that Ground Zero is flooded. 
source-NBC photoblog.  

By the way, yay that the Giants won the world series, but the crap that happened here the other night was bullshit. I wouldn't step anywhere near that parade tomorrow.

here are some links to some sites with pictures of New York flooding he has a lot of pictures, the last one is definitely shenanigans!

Thank you mom for sending me the Earthcam link so that i can see that my beautiful city is still alive and beating with a strong heart.

ABC News footage

Yahoo video

tanker run aground by superstorm

Do you want to volunteer? Go to this facebook page for any information.

Positive Dog Story
We need something positive to read and I believe this story is it. I found it on Stubbydog, one of the best sites ever! this is a great story about a family with autistic children and how a pitbull helped them. Helped them so much that they even save them now. It really is an uplifting story.

This is all for me today folks. See y'all tomorrow.

Monday, October 29, 2012

and the GIANTS win the world series!!??

Yes, they swept the Tigers. Sorry Tigers, but you weren't hitting until last night. There were so many times in last nights game when i held my breath. I was finally watching baseball! Don't get me wrong, sometimes a sweep is good, but sometimes it's not fun to watch. I think it was game two, I was sitting on my couch and completely bored. I am not sure what happened with the Tigers, but it was frustrating to watch. Neither team got hits, it was a pitching game. Last night, well that was proof that the Giants played well. Both teams hit, both teams tried their hardest and one won.  Congrats Giants! I am very proud to live in the Bay Area. And for those of you who don't know the Yankees will be hosting the Giants at the new Yankee stadium for interleague play on September 20-22 at Yankee Stadium. 

Also for those people who are online completely rude when talking about baseball teams, whether it's the Yankees, the Cardinals, the Giants, the A's, the Tigers etc...These teams work very hard and some of you run your mouths more than you exercise. Teach your kids to be a good person by not saying stupid crap. Watch what you say.

I am buying this book. I can't wait to get it. I also ordered Ken Foster's other book "The dogs who found me; what I have learned from pets who were left behind."
I'll be thinking of my family today during Frankenstorm/Hurricane Sandy. I feel confident that most of them will be ok. But thinking of you! Also remember to donate to American Humane Association. Their Giant truck will be roaming around the east coast to help animals and people in need.

I'm not jealous of east coast storms, but I am jealous of their weather. Is it just me or am I the only Californian annoyed with the sun and warmth??? Can we get some rain please???

So this is proof that humans can be idiots. Sorry babe, i love you and all but leaving the garage door open leaving access to the street was your fault. Yup he did that. Bella saw another dog I heard her bark, I ran outside and there she went. I found her barking at some lady with a little dog. i grabbed her brought her in and yelled at Gerry to apologize to the lady. I was so shaken i had to see what happened. They were both fine. The lady said it looked like Bella wanted to play. Her mouth was closed and she wanted to smell the puppy. I gave the lady a hug. Because that could have been awful. All the coulda's and what ifs are what's making me super angry at Gerr. But the reality is that she didn't cross the street, she approached a really nice lady with a very sweet puppy (yes it was a puppy), Bella was more excited than fearful. She's only done this ONE time before and she was a puppy and guess what ONCE AGAIN it was Gerrs fault. I don't blame my dog one bit. I blame us. 

Met Some cute kittens yesterday! I had to hold myself back when i met a very adorable female kitten that surely should have gone home with me but didn't....Also met some cute puppies. I NEED A HOUSE!

Pumpkin Cream Cheese muffins! Finally! I made them. I used this recipe from Lick the bowl good and a Well Seasoned life. (i love my tablet! makes it so easy to cook and read recipes!). Pretty pic for you!

Tonights dinner? Chicken Pesto!!! yummy.
Cool shite on sites.
Hautelook-first time on Hautelook Wildfox Couture-pretty cool jewelry, I likey. lots of skulls, owls, wings, etc. necklaces, earrings, stretchies though...but definitely take a look.
Joyus- too cute! pie and casserole carriers! kinda pricey, but the designs are adorable. I brought muffins into work today and i hate the big plastic thing i had to put them in. I would definitely love one of these!
Joss And Main- How CUTE!!!I want! PET BED! i wonder if it's big enough for Bella....
Refinery29-trying out glow in the dark the link to check out what they have to say about it....
Lifescript-Have a cough? What type and what are they telling you. read the article!

Positive Dog Story
Ok not doggy hero...but a people hero. This is a great story of how a woman saved a deaf dog with a troubled past and used sign language to communicate. there's a video on the page too! check it out, thanks dogster!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Finally Friday...

and with that I yawn...It was pretty hard to get up this morning. My bed was nice and warm. Fievel kitty laying by my side, Bella between Gerry and i, and the house was dark. I could have slept for another hour. Well, thank the deity's it's friday.

Hopefully we'll go to the movies tonight. Gerry and I really want to see Chasing Mavericks. We live close to where Maverick's happens annually (sometimes it doesn't at all) and any movie about these big local waves we want to see!  If you don't know about Jay Moriarty, click on this link and it will take you to wikipedia.

Giants won again. Last nights game was a bit boring to me, it just came down to who was going to score. I have a strong feeling the Giants are going to sweep Detroit. 

Bella and the clicker. It's working!!! the second i even take out the clicker she's like "hey mom, it's ok I'm focused on you now." I still need to keep doing the doggy rounds for myself and her sake, but it's awesome. She HATED the clicker. The poor dog was scared of it when I first tried it a couple of years ago. It took her a couple of days to get her tail back to normal and not hide it between her legs. I guess now it's a useful tool! I have emailed the trainer guy to ask if we can get more time, to be honest I haven't found many dogs in cars. I think ONE dog in 5 weeks isn't going to teach her barking at them  is a no no.

Ruh Roh...fee waived Adoptions at the Marin Humane Society this weekend....i'm thinking Oh. mah. god...there are kittens....I think i'm ready for number 3. meow. holy cuteness look at this face:
I would name you Pumpernickel.
I'd name you look like you're pretty Regal and you'd have a chihuahua as a pet. 
Mayo. I don't know why...but i think the name Mayo fits.  
too much cuteness...AHHHH overload!!!

Cool sites and shite..
30 dog Halloween Costumes-Thank you Barkbox for sending me this link. I feel so bad because I don't have a costume for Bella! We have last year's, but the wig won't stay on. We may just have to try again and see if she'll walk around with her costume this weekend.
PLUKKA- look how cute! 470 they'll have a sale???
Hautelook-Ok several items here. Check out Monique Leshman for cool jewelry for the ladies. There are even some cool stretchy rings! Sunglass Shop for men and women! Check out Renee C for some real sale priced items! Very affordable!
Ideeli-French Connection at a very very good price and such cute coats, purses, dresses etc...Ray-ban sale, Miss Sixty i think this coat is my favorite! I WANT IT, but i can't....I'm really sad that Ideeli is selling items with fur in them. I wish they wouldn't....please don't buy fur.
Rue La La-Click on the link and it will take you to Time to get Cozy! lots of items that remind me of fall and winter!
Refinery29- OK so they have this article with slide show about 21 pieces/trends the editors would never wear. Some make sense, others make me want to slap them silly...A white T is classic, lipstick is a must, high low skirts and dresses are actually cute, yes those stupid pants with the very low crotch I don't get either. There's my input. The important thing for each person to remember when trying on different fads is not what someone says in a magazine or what your peers are wearing is what LOOKS GOOD ON YOU! If you smile and find yourself giddy in a dress, a pair of jeans, a top or whatever...than guess what it's a keeper.
Joss and Main-i'm jumping up and down. you must click this link. it's like man cave/fun room stuff. billiards, dart boards and even those cool lights at billiard halls! Also other games...they HAD a Beatles Monopoly game but it sold out. BOO...this is like a must do it!!!
NWF Action Fund Donate-Donate to save the Polar Bear. The caps are melting. and i wonder what happened to all of the money coca cola is supposed to donate every year? hmm....Anyway, if you donate, the monies will be matched dollar for dollar.
Smashbox-Studio pop lips, a 5 gloss set,  26 bucks and free shipping!

Pawsitive Dog Story
Today's story comes from the ASPCA. The 2012 Humane Award winners have been announced. Go meet them, three VIB-very important beings...Great Stories, uplifting animals and a 10 year old who stands up for what he believes in...AHHH inspiring!

have a wonderful weekend everyone. Many hugs!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Just keep repeating....

I will have a good day...i will have a good day...i will have a good day...That was my mantra this morning. I sat down at my desk and the phone rang. It was the evil bitch from this tire place we use. I skipped an invoice and i paid the wrong amount, apparently her system is from 1965 and it took her hours to figure it out. FINE I made a mistake. Instead of sending me invoices when we buy what we need, we get like 60 a month in a big giant pile. It's a lot of work and i am human. She's not nice about it at all. And i wish i had the power to say, "if you're not nice lady, we're going to take our business elsewhere and watch you go out of business." ugh...i will have a great day i will have a great day...i will have a great day...

AND the Giants won GAME ONE of the World Series!!!! What's up Verlander??? Looks like i was scared of you for nothing... :)

I've already voted....I feel good. 

My boss must have known i was having a shitty morning, because we're getting lunch today!!!

So i have an issue with a lot of women out there and the whole pro-choice thing. I don't think people understand what pro-choice means exactly.  When some women hear the words Pro Choice, their automatic response is "Well, I'm pro life." No no no lady, actually you're pro choice. Don't you get it...YOU HAVE A CHOICE to be pro life! No man is telling you what you can do, you have decided for yourself. Do you understand literally what that means???? The government shouldn't be allowed to tell a man or a woman what they can do to their bodies or what God to pray to or what religion to belong to. That is not their decision. If you want to choose to have all the babies you get pregnant with-go ahead, it's your choice. The point is to not push your beliefs on someone else. Let them decide for themselves what they need to do. Pro Choice means having an option; not a law stopping you from making any choice at all.

In all of this World Series Craze, I almost forgot about Halloween. My favorite people at SF funcheap kindly reminded me that there are so many things happening this weekend and on Halloween itself. If you need help finding something to do in the Bay Area check out this link right here for a nice big list!

Cool Stuff sites shite...
Rue La la-pretty pretty shiny sparklies!!!It's pretty jewelry. look at the pretty ring...259.90 Sapphire and blue quartz ring
Ideeli-White mountain boot sale!!! Gorgeous! I see three pairs i want...they're so friggin affordable!

Hautelook-Want to get someone something special and "expensive". Versace scarves! Not too expensive, 99 bucks isn't bad for what they normally go for!
Joss and Main Great Gift ideas under Rosanna! really nice items, atleast i think so...
Fancy-sometimes the best presents are the coolest and most unique. If you haven't signed up to fancy, you should...remember to "fancy" stuff to unlock deals for super neato stocking stuffers or unique gifts!
Modewalk- if you've got the money honey, well i got a dress for you...It's $5400....but it's pretty.

Pawsitive Dog Story
Give it up to the hero war is a story from on some 4 legged and winged friends who've gotten recent war medals.

Good day all, i shall see you on the morrow!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

hewwo wednesday

Why? Why is it when i've been waking up in the morning i see sunshine when it should be raining? I am missing out on the rain. It's happening at night or in the early morning and i want to be awake, sipping on a hot cup of coffee, watching the rain hit the puddles in the yard and cuddling up to my pup. Ahhhhh, that sounds so nice right now. Now if only i could have a fireplace...

I am praying that by next year I will have a house! I have to put it out there (out there meaning the universe) my needs and wants. Positive energy that it will happen. The right time will come. The credit card debt paid. The loan perfect. etc.....It's my time. It will be my time...

World Series this evening! Go Giants!

My chronic pain program is coming to and end! So sad, because i've learned so much. I've learned about body mechanics and the way we move. I've learned some simple and fabulous exercises that really make you feel better after you do them. i've learned that perfectly straight and erect isn't naturally the best way to stand or sit. i've always known my thoughts were my own worst enemy and that i had to figure out a way to control them or lessen them so that my tension would be less, but man oh man, have i learned a lot of different ways to do that! One of the most important things that's come out of this is meditation. At first i thought it was hokey, but after years of dealing with pain I entered into this program with an open mind because I was tired of all the pain, the aches, the flare ups...etc...I think it was the best time to be in this program, because i was willing to do whatever they wanted. Meditation can be hard, but i feel elated and brand new when my session is over. i can go on youtube at work or at home and close my eyes and listen to some guided imagery or a body scan and relax for a moment. When i finally learned how to relax my face in a couple of seconds, i knew that i could do this throughout my body. I feel so lucky to have done this. Is all of my pain gone? No. I have fibromyalgia and that pinched nerve in my neck is still there. But i am alright. I don't focus on my pangs anymore and i am learning how to NOT talk about them all the time either. There are too many ways to alleviate pain, that to focus in on it is NOT one of them.

What's for dinner? This weekend we had a couple of people over for Game 6. Gerry had thought he bought some beef ribs, but picked up brisket instead. How? Please don't ask...i have no idea why he thought it was ribs and didn't read the label. So after a couple of days sitting in my fridge salt and pepper and spices all coating that sucker, I put it in the crockpot this morning with some barbecue sauce. Hopefully it will be tasty and ready in time for dinner. I guess we'll have sammiches, so that means i need some delicious bread.

Ring of the Day!

Oh have i mentioned how i cannot wait for Thanksgiving??? I guess we may be doing a shared Turkey day like last year with my buddies Melinda and Natalie. Sounds good to me! Gotta see who else wants to come, I have some friends with no family around, so it's always good to spread the word.

cool stuff and stuff
ASPCA-Celebrate shelter animals and go shopping on the ASPCA website. Today i bought Bella a life jacket 26 bucks, a puzzle cube (she loves puzzles), and the book "Shelter Dogs"  which 40% of the book sales go to the ASPCA. I should have gotten this for the cats, since Misfit loves to destroy Gerr's dj equipment (really just uses it for a scratching post)

 Dogs on Drugs- Go read blog. funny! lol.
Inspirations By D-I am in such a pumpkin baking frenzy that the more recipes i find the happier i get! The link will take you to the best  Pumpkin Cookies. I will have to be the judge of that...

people:this is all i got the usual sites weren't very interesting today. ho hum...

Stubbydog is an awesome site. I welcome their emails every time i get one, because I know I have something amazing to read. I want you all to read about Juliet and her foster parents. This story is pretty cool. It's about a dog that was given up and living in a shelter until she found the right parents who taught her a valuable skill, proving that pitbulls are just as good as any other dog. It's an awesome read, here it is

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Less than a month until Turkey DAY!

Gobble Gobble people! Gobble Gobble! I love the holidays. It is my most favorite time of the year. I would live in Christmasland if i could. I don't know if there's such a thing, but if there was, I'd be there....well no, i probably wouldn't, because then it wouldn't be as special. So, I think I'm going to move from the whole "ooh look what i found for you" to "look at what would make a good present for me and for all of those other people you know". Well, I guess i could also give you links to cool things for you too.

Giants won last night! It was like watching a movie! The rain is pouring down on Giants stadium. The crowd was on their feet. Everyone was drenched. They WIN! (which i must add here, the Cardinals had no points). I teared up a bit. it was very romantic.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Blondie Bars-Lauren at Lauren's latest is amazing. She posted this recipe yesterday and i had to try it last night! So YUMMY!!!!! Also she looks super adorable so you should visit her page anyway!

By the way, no one pays me or asks me to go to their pages, I just do because I like what i see.

Thanksgiving! Who the heck doesn't like Thanksgiving!!??? whoever doesn't is missing out big time. Are you hosting? Are you in charge of the bird? side dishes? pies? etc....well say thank you to Epicurious because they're amazing and have many videos, tricks, ideas, recipes, go and check them out. 

Halloween is next week!!! So my "cop" costume (I like to put it in quotes because really it's a bodysuit with a hat and a badge) is missing something and I have come to the conclusion I need hot pink handcuffs. The fluffy ones. I think it will work. I'm not one for carrying a weapon, even if it's a toy. Although a taser doesn't sound like a bad thing........By the way, Gerry hasn't even bought his costume. 

What not to do when your girlfriend is doubling over with menstrual cramps.  I like saving lives. Especially the lives of clueless men. If men are willing to listen, than they deserve to be saved.  You see, sirs, sometimes we women get cramps. Some are controlled by Midol or pamprin and sometimes the evil bitch comes and she tears up the insides of your girlfriend and she looks like she is dying. she feels like it too. Things you should NOT do: #1 ignore her. i think that's the final and only thing on my list of shit you shouldn't do. We're in pain. We need to be cared for. Trust me when i say that getting up and walking around is not going to help. We need you to care for us. Do not imitate my boyfriend. He was on the computer for like an hour of my moaning and groaning before I think I got a little too loud that he was like "God are you ok?" This is when i think battery is ok...I should have hit him with a baseball bat, but since i couldn't move i was like "NO, get me some vicodin now." oh #2 would be don't ask stupid questions. 

Ring of the Day
Gerry did good and bought me this ring off Amazon after i sent him a link. Yes the skull has headphones on and yes that is a blue skeleton. He keeps my desk tidy.  How do you like the orange nails? Giants and Halloween colors!

Cool ideas for people on cool sites and stuff.....
Hautelook- So they have some iphone and ipad stuff by Mophie. Battery packs etc...I know nothing about iphones so check it out, good gift idea since i heard they're battery suckers.
Ideeli-Crown brush is back! i love these eye shadow palettes (i own two of them). I gave one to a friend last year and she loves it! tons of colors and their brushes aren't bad.
Rue La la-Need world series tickets....well they're selling them on Rue la la...and they're pricey. Click on the rue la la link and it will take you there...wish i had a couple of grand to go!!!
Doggyloot!-new site! animals need lovin too and the price on bully sticks is amazing. 10 low odor sticks for 18 bucks! woof woof people!!! and they make great puppy stocking stuffers!
MLB Yankee shop- if you're like me, than you'll want that cool yankee capris purse, the socks, the heart charm bracelet and some more tshirts! you can find other teams you know...if you're not as cool as me...LOL. 
The bloggess-if you don't know who she is, click the damn link. She's hilarious, her book is super funny and well she's awesome. so check her out. The link takes you to her cat wearing wigs and uhm, how did she get nail polish on his nails? I would wind up in the emergency room if i tried that on either one of our cats.

Pawsitive Dog Stories
Really this link is about the dogs that survived Michael Vick's fighting ring. This blog is about the dogs that were saved and how they're doing now. It's strange to me how some people can give up on animals so easily and dismiss them entirely. But those same people expect us to not do that to humans?  Everyone should sign up to this blog because it's amazing. This story is amazing, maybe not amazing in the sense that this dog rescued someone, but that this dog has overcome fear and been able to trust a human and has learned amazing things and has proven SOCIETY WRONG. Here's Uba and her successes.

Monday, October 22, 2012

HA, I just realized...

I spelled deity wrong last week, i wrote diety. HAHAHAHA! Good thing hardly anyone reads this! How embarrassing.

It's official! I need rain boots! Thank you "dieties" (LOL) for the first real rain of the season. It officially feels like fall. I'd like it to continue, but the Giants have to beat the Cardinals tonight, so if you could take a temporary pause between the hours of 5 and 8 that would be great!

I'm thinking this year I want to give my office mates some cool office stuff for Christmas; like pads and post its...check this one out:
talk to the hand post its!
i can't wait until the elections are over. I love you President Obama, but i'm so very tired of all the emails. I already voted, doesn't that mean i don't need to get them anymore?

Last weeks "fireball"/meteor has actually left some remnants behind! In a nearby town, they found a piece of the meteorite! How awesome is that? I knew it was super close!

Black Friday! i can't wait. it's my day to buy my winter clothes! And yes, to buy some Christmas Presents too!

I want a family picture to send friends and family as our Christmas card. I think it would be funny, but Gerr doesn't seem too excited about it. I mean it would be him and I, Bella, Fievel and Misfit.....Misfit is the cat who doesn't like to be held or sleep with us or lay on the couch with us...he likes treats and to be left alone.  He does that deep moan when you pick him up, as if ready to strike.  And Bella is afraid of Fievel. He will be great, unless he starts to knead our laps if we're sitting.....hmm, maybe it isn't such a great idea...

Ring of the day!

Cool sites and stuff that's pretty!
Ideeli-Londonfog purses! they're pretty cute! Reasonably priced too.
Joss and Main-Gal on the go featuring lunch bags, travel bags, cosmetic bags. I like having a lunch bag, that way i don't have to carry a giant tote anymore. Also dog beds, collars and leashes and wall art in the Preppy pet!
Refinery 29-Great Slideshow about Best drugstore makeup and their comparison of the best department store makeup brands! A must see for us makeup fanatics! i learned a lot by clicking here
Chanel-I want flat black nailpolish...but 26 bucks is insane!
Delias-they're having a 20% off sale and there are like 1100 clearance items. This is normally when i buy swimsuits for next year...just a thought everyone...:)
Forever 21 - 50% off outerwear!

This story is actually about Howard Stern and his rant on the radio regarding Michael Vick. If you haven't heard, he's getting a dog.... I'm glad that someone with a radio show is complaining. Howard Stern may not be perfect, but i have always loved listening to his radio shows. Here is an article about Howard Stern and Michael Vick's dog ownership on dogster

talk to ya tomorrah!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Thank you *insert your diety here*

It's the end of the week! I need a weekend of relaxation and cleaning. Those two don't really go hand and hand, do they? No major plans this weekend, except for the maze tonight. But the rest of the weekend I imagine we will be visiting the grocery store and I will be making Gerr clean the living room.
Let's get on with it shall we?

Oh Giants!! What the hell happened last night???? Tonight could be your last game, you better fight hard tonight, because i swear i cannot handle two of those teams going to the world series. If anything whoever goes has to be able to beat the Tigers. I don't think i like them very much.

Cool Stuff on Sites and stuff....
Plukka-Skull ring! So cute. $190.00 phew, that's a lot of money. But if you belong to Fancy and you "fancy" it, you unlock a deal from plukka and you get 10% off your next purchase! remember to click those fancy icons, if you've signed up...and you haven't well do it already.
Joss and Main-Kitchenaid people! Nothing like a new set of pots and pans before the holidays!!!
Rue La La- these purses cost more than two weeks worth of paychecks, but some people do need to know that Jimmy Choo is on sale. or rather, some type of sale for richer people than me.
Ideeli-we've got Cuisinart on sale, Betsey Johnson Jewelry, accessories and shoes, boots....etc...holy crap...lots of cool stuff
Hautelook-what's with the mascara craze!? they're offering a bag of mascara's from all the makeup stores at Nordstroms! 24 bucks. Now this is insanity, because is it just me or mascara actually lasts a long time??? Sports Memorabilia on sale too!

Pawsitive dog story
some of you are well aware that this month is National Pit Bull month well here's something from the ASPCA blog. I'm glad to see that they also want to distinguish the myths! Read on fellow friends!

gotta run, have a safe weekend!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stupid drivers.

ARGH. I almost got hit this morning. How the guy didn't see me, is beyond me. I'm driving along and I notice he's trying to cut across the intersection and he keeps going, i'm like AHEM, i'm right here! He finally stops, but ARGH!!! I'm a bit out of sorts because of his stupidity. Major dumbass award goes to him. jackass. (i think calling him all sorts of names this morning will make me feel better).

I should be a date planner. One of my coworkers is going on a first date and when I asked where he was taking her, she answered "i think i want to go to Red Lobster", really? I'm not going to knock Red Lobster's food, but I am going to piss all over their atmosphere. The place reminds me of a school cafeteria. I also believe that if you're going on a first date, it should be somewhere intimate. Trust me when i say that this Red Lobster is NOT intimate-hence the cafeteria reference. I sent her some links to some better restaurants, even Olive Garden is better (I love that place by the way) or Outback Steakhouse. Shrug we'll see what happens. I can only do so much! lol.

So what are your plans this weekend?? Gerr, myself and some friends are going to a corn maze Friday night. We will bring flashlights, because how the heck else will we be able to see? Sandcastle contest in San Francisco this weekend! Lower Haight Urban Air market! San Francisco Trolley Dances! 2nd annual Zombie crawl! Renegade Drive-in presents Ghostbusters Saturday night!, Nothing Halloweenie. but thanks to SF funcheap, we'll never be bored!

FIREBALL!!! I am not sure if we were the only people in the US who saw it, but WOW what a strange occurrence over our skies! It didn't look very high up either. I was sure that aliens had landed on earth. Click on the link to see the news report. It was so strange...what was with the boom though??? Watch it was really a bomb that was sent to kill us all, but then they said "Nevermind" and it self destructed. this shit is givin' me the wiggins.

Oh christmas you are approaching so quickly!!! I've only shopped for one person! I must get people to make amazon wish lists. it's easier that way!

reheated macaroni and cheese with chicken apple sausage is B-O-M-B. i know that the cup was full before i heated it up, but it deflated....does that mean i get to eat more???? I didn't think so...but i just may!

Yankees are playing at 4pm eastern, 1pm pacific...i'll be listening......

Super Cool Ring
 need to do my nails...

Cool sites and stuff
Julep-They updated their site! it looks very nice! I got their Trick or Treat box and i love it! So far I'm thinking that this box may be worth the money; so far so good.
Hautelook-check out Meghan LA jewelry!!!
Joss and Main-check out their World of Wall Art Section, GREAT retroesque art!
Modern Country Style House-you have to check out this kitchen!!! and the fridge! We have two of these in Gerry's cute!

Pawsitive Dog Story!
ok this story comes from Stubbydog. This is about Butley, the pitty, who travels around the country with his loving parents. Their blog is called rude awakening-where they chronicle their trip.  But they're sharing their story with Stubbydog to share what it's like to travel with a pitbull to different states for months! Awesome and funny. It's pretty cool, they have a total of two parts up, but the next one will be up on friday! Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

oh yankees and stuff i don't like..

I don't know what to say, Yankees...I came home at about 8 and you hadn't scored yet. I'd like to think that the home run was for me. So thank you. I'm not sure you'll win tonight, but it's ok if you don't. You'll be back next year. I know you will. And if you do win tonight, then yahoo; I'll be watching. Please remember I am a lifer; I'll always be passionate about you guys.

I still have 3 more lbs to go, but I can't shake it. I'm eating enough and exercising the same. I know i should increase my exercise, but the sun is setting earlier and baseball season is coming to an end. This time of year it's really hard for people to stay at their present weight. Soon we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving, eating tons of leftover turkey, then there's Christmas and New years and throughout that whole time we're all baking and having cozy get togethers...etc...i think you get my point. So what do we do? We don't over eat. if you can't finish what's on your plate, bring it home and eat it another day. Turkey leftovers? make a soup. Freeze as much as you can. If you have a walking regimen after work, keep it. On those rainy or snowy days, do what you can indoors. I know it's hard and expect to gain a couple of pounds, but remember you don't have to. Counting calories works. Myfitnesspal will be my best friend this holiday season. oh yeah, and i need a new scale since mine is off. 

Doggy training. So I'm not sure if i talked to you guys about this a while ago. I have to find a way to get Bella's attention when we're walking by a dog. She gets so zoned in on another dog that I don't know what to do. Well, the trainer had proposed a pinch collar and that's just not going to happen (last resort and only for training purposes). So we got the thing she kinda hates; the clicker. cross your paws that this works. :)

ok now to things i don't like, because that's the kind of mood i'm in...

color blocking. ick. soooo bad 80's.

Fringe BLEH!!!
 Fur. People why? what is your need for real fur? Disgusting. By the way, this is raccoon fur. that's utter bullshit.

 these look like jazz shoes. not oxfords.

 click this link from refinery 29 for the "clubwear" that stinks, in my opinion. Some pieces as separates are pretty, but put together...nurp.

Things i like..
I love clutches like these:
Tresor Lancome lotion
I get a lot of compliments. This scent is delicious. 

oooh i want one of these

Cool sites and stuff
  • Ideeli is adapting the 30 day shipping idea that Rue la la had. you pay 9.95 for shipping and all orders from now until November 15 are free to ship. Sure it's a temporary idea, but i think they'll find that more people will order if that's the case.
  • Smashbox new studio collection is out! prices aren't so bad, since it's well....smashbox and all.
  • Goldbely-i think i just found the best site on the web. Order food from ANYWHERE! tomorrow is payday and you bet your lifesavers i'm going to order from here!!! 
OK i need to finish up here...
pawsitive dog story of the day!
Ok this story made me tear up (so many do) this dog alerts his parents that his baby sister stopped breathing. He saved a life. I feel bad for him in the pictures, you can tell he's a little scared of all the people around him taking pictures. it's ok pup, you're a good boy. Thank you dogster for existing!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Food, Subscription boxes and handmade cards.

The above makes me sound like i'm about to get all creative on your asses, but i'm not. I don't do arts and crafts real well so please don't expect it. I will share with you the yummy recipes i've tried, the subscription boxes that have failed (in my eyes) and my sad attempt at making Gerry a belated birthday card (yes i know i suck).

ok so food. Everyone here (i'm looking around at my imaginary crowd) knows i love FOOOOOD! Well, I've been in the mood to try recipes from cookbooks, pinterest, bonappetit, ziplist etc...normally I just come up with things in my head and voila master chef Jacky makes an excellent meal! The good part about following a recipe is that you learn methods you didn't know before. Last night we had Maple Glazed Pork Chops. Pretty damn good. Gerry loved them. This recipe was easy, i didn't even have to get anything from the store.

Birchbox...sigh...I cancelled my subscription today. When i first received it, i was like, "Uhm, these are just samples, I can go to the Macy's make up counters and ask for samples for free." The box I got, which i'm sort of confused about, it was called goop. cute name, but where the hell is my October birchbox that costs 28 bucks? In this little box i get more SAMPLES and a friggin soy candle. Yes thank you for the luna bar, but i'm not a fan of those. I think another box is coming, but i still don't think 28 bucks is worth it. I cancelled for next month. I'm just not impressed.

the yankees play tonight in Detroit. I'm missing my game and I'm unhappy about that. Next week is the world series, and i may have to miss my class....i guess it all depends on who's playing too.  Come on Yanks, I hope you play better tonight. Wish i could miss tonight's class, but we're learning about spinal unloading which i really want to be there for. OOPS, i need to do my homework.

Gerry's birthday card was more like one of those 1st grader book reports, but with pictures of silly dogs. I am sure that one day we will look back at it and be thankful that I noted what we did on his 36th birthday, whilst wishing him a happy birthday (trust me the sentence makes sense, sorta). I cut and paste (on the computer) on to word and wrote stuff. OOOH i'm clever. I felt so bad for not having a card, i had to make it memorable so it was like 4 pages long; that's because the pictures were very big. Tada...bow.
  • Cynthia Rowley on Hautelook-expensive yes, but still on sale. 
  • Towel Sets under $50-towels are pretty expensive, but i'm liking this sale. Lots of colors. I like the sets, i probably wouldn't buy the face towels at $15.95, but that's the Ross shopper in me. 
  • Ideeli-Amarita Singh-strange that hautelook and ideeli both  have the same people on sale....Steiner sale and cute boots too
  • Musings in Red-it's a blog. she's pretty funny. read it. :)
I'm trying to find more interesting things for you to do, read and look at, but i'm bored searching...this shit is hard work...I also think i'm PMSing majorly...yay me.

Rings of the day and yesterday (i totally forgot to post it)
  this ring should fit on my ring finger, but it won't go past the knuckle. Not a stretchy ring. boohoo.

Sometimes the most positive dog stories are the ones you never really hear about. This story is about how dogs help behind the scenes in our nations most horrific tragedies. Sometimes you  just need an animal to lift your mood. I know how that feels, it's the most powerful magic in the world. read more here on USA today's Paw Print Post.

that's all for me folks.

Monday, October 15, 2012

I'd love a sleeping bag at work...

I just need a little more sleep this morning. just a couple more winks. We did go to bed at like 9ish, so theoretically I should be ok, but NO i'm not. booo.

Happy Birthday Gerr Bear-which was yesterday, by the way! You're officially an old man. And to think you also share a birthday with Joe Girardi!

Oh  yankees, what's going on????? Couple things are, pardon my expression, FUCKED:
  • Derek Jeter fractured his ankle.
  • Apparently the umpires are idiots, because on two separate occasions they made TWO HUGE mistakes which hurt the Yankees. Just makes me sad. 
Giants, good game!!! Watching the Giants play was refreshing. They're not my number 1 team, but i can watch the game and see both teams and give them the credit they deserve. I do have to say, that there is far too much booing at Giants games.

I need to get serious for a moment. Last night i joined a page on facebook in memory of a girl, Amanda Todd, who took her life after cyber bullying. The story is more intense than saying it was just because of cyber bullying; there's a lot more to her suicide than that. I was reading the comments and most were heartfelt, while others were cold, ignorant and idiotic.  I understand that some of the teens who pushed her to "drink more bleach" or to find other means to end her life, think that somehow she deserved to die. No one deserves to die. And parents, this is where you are responsible. What you teach your kids is so very important. They echo you when you say that person was a coward. Some of the comments I read just sounded so "stuck up". Life is so good for some, while others with mental illness,even when life appears to be ok on the outside,  on the inside it's a raw, bloody mess. Before you write something that may sound mean and rude, realize that it's inappropriate and move on to something else. Your words do not belong on the page. My heart goes out to this  young woman. I understand how "alone" she felt. I have been there, the only difference is I survived. To read more about Amanda Todd, read the examiner's article here. This article doesn't include some other things that happened to her, if you want to know more here is the RIP Amanda Todd facebook page.

and because i can't stay too serious on here....or i'll get super pissed. let's go on with our show.

Cool stuff on sites you should be buying now...
  • Hi Ideeli-mmmmm lots of cool stuff in winter essentials. I want these by MUK LUK-59.99 ahem size 9! For more boots check out the Ultimate boots section, yum!
  •  First time on Hautelook! Perfumes-Burberry, Vera Wang, Dolce and Gabbana, etc...GREAT Prices!!!!
  • Smashbox-Pro starter kit, a must for any professional cosmetologist. It does cost 649 bucks, but it's packed with stuff. 
  • Ziplist Maple Glazed Pork Chops- i am adding this recipe to this weeks dinner! 
i was really going through a lot of my emails and didn't see much i wanted to share with you. Oh well!

This story made me a little teary. A dog saves a child from drowning in the back yard pool. amazing. Read this wonderful story here

OK time to Boogie...see you tomorrow.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Frolicking Furry friday.

Hola My Amigos,

How art thou today? I'm a bit bummed out after the Yankee loss last night, but I must carry the hope for tonight's game. Come on Yankees!!! Last night i had to take a muscle relaxer, because the game was intense. 13 innings of praying, hoping, talking to the TV, making everyone (Gerry and Bella) wear Yankee something for good juju, etc. I was wearing the jersey and I tried to convince Gerr that he should hold the purse, but he didn't like the idea so i had it hanging off the TV (flat screen). I donned Bella in my Yankee tshirt and let Gerry wear my visor.  We did everything we could. Oh well, tonight is another game and i will hold the torch of hope.

Bella with my yankee shirt on

Anytime you plan a getaway, whether it's camping or a quick getaway to the coast, you need to well...PLAN. This camping trip was decided on this week. But nothing was really planned or is ready for that matter. The boat has speakers on the tower, but they're not hooked up. No one has picked up the wood yet. Some food has been purchased, but i'm afraid it's not enough. I'm praying it gets warmer and it looks like it we'll see. Oh and we better get the game on the radio, or i will flip out.

Well I gave Gerry two of his presents. He wanted a dutch oven for camping. I guess he says the one i got is the wrong one. Too bad hon, i'm not returning it-it's beautiful-cast iron and i bet it will work just fine. I told him if he wants a wetsuit i'll get him one. Trying to buy a present for him is pretty difficult unless you know EXACTLY what he wants. I should just get him gift cards.

Really in the mood for breakfast all of a sudden. I could use an eggs benedict right about now.

American Apparel is a bit lame.  What is up with their sizes?  Medium is 4-6? on what planet? Sorry but that doesn't fly with me. I think it's time for this company to get it right. And guess what this isn't sexy:
pull your pants up

UHM WHAT????-my old band is playing at a "nostalgia fest"??? I doubt i'll be singing, but that will be something i have to go see...bleh...old memories good and bad are flooding my brain...I think i'm going to stop breathing. lol. i haven't performed or sang in front of anyone for years. Luckily it won't be just me.. this band had 30 people total. BREATHE!

Ring a ding ding...
i know i've been pretty bad about posting my rings! sorry, i'll try not to forget to do that.

Cool sites with stuffs on em...
  • Rue la la-ok ok..i know i keep sending you guys over there, but really they have some great deals for any size pocketbook. Check it out, you got Sundays in the kitchen featuring great kitchen items at can't beat it prices, Fendi (for my richer friends), Pinkberry eight item tasting card for 15 bucks! Remember if you buy something that month, you don't have to pay shipping for the rest of the month. Can we say Hell yeah??? 
  • Hautelook-Ring Sale, tanning stuff, nail dryers, etc...
  • Ideeli-Patra sale. Beautiful gowns on sale for GREAT prices. i mean super great. I am so tempted, but i can't. I bought bra's more shopping for me...hmmph.
  • Julep-this link is only going to take you to some polishes, but i got an email about the Halloween gift box, comes with two polishes, a skull bracelet and a skull scarf for 20 bucks! Awesomeness!! see what you're missing??
  • Epicurious-I want to make this....Banana Chocolate Chip Cake with Peanut butter frosting. yeah...i want this. 
This story is more like a testimonial of how sometimes you go into a shelter looking for a specific dog and you leave with a Pitty. I love how they are surprised by how loyal and loving and willing to be trained the dogs are. I like reading the comments below the story, because it's a fairly common tale. The pitty can win over anybody. :)
found on the ASPCA website cuz i gets their emails...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

It finally rained.

Not sure how many other people rely on Accuweather, but for the last week it's been showing scattered showers.  For the past few days the sun has been out and when i get off work I am greeted by a nice breeze. No rain. No clouds. Yesterday was one of those days. I took Bella out for a walk and left my sweater at home. At about 9ish i hear a howling wind-or so I thought-I go outside and it's raining. What? I check accuweather and it says clear skies. ???????????????(so many question marks) I am thinking the turd balls who came up with this app have no idea how to predict any kind of weather. hmmph. Today it's very gray, at the least this app has it right. Cloudy. uh huh...

I ran out of half and half. That means I  have to go get it just me, but going to the store for a bottle of half and half makes you drag your feet? sigh...i need some coffee too.

Yankees WOOT WOOT!!!! Did you watch last nights game???? AMAZING! and i have to give MAJOR props to mr Raul Ibanez!
I was in shock for about an hour....2 homeruns??? How??? AMAZING!!!
just in case anyone missed it
I tear up just watching it. I hope we see more of him. I love A Rod, but sorry dude, i think it's time you let this guy play.

Since the weather is so wonky, i wonder if there will be a camping trip....dun dun dun!!! what do you think??? will we be celebrating Gerry's birthday in Nature or in the safety of our home????

Sites and Stuff
Anthem Wares-This site has some pretty cool, expensive things, but for some of us this could be absolutely affordable. It's really easy to sign up too.
Picaboo-Let's face it. We should probably start Christmas shopping now. A cool idea is to make personalized books, 2013 calendars and hey why not make your own Christmas Cards?  Picaboo is a great site and their program for the books makes the process easy and fun. I made one last year for Gerry and I.  It came out great.
Rue La la-Normally i don't feature kids stuff, but one of my closest friends is pregnant and you have to check out these baby gifts. I'm tempted to buy something now for her baby shower next year! LOL! I don't know the sex...dammit.
Hautelook-I'm afraid once this is posted the Calvin Klein shoes will be gone. GREAT Prices....i mean super great. Bedhead is making an appearance too! Lots of cool stuff on Hautelook today!
Joss and Main-some great antiquey like items on here today, i likey. I really like the wall art in English Accents. ooh check out the Perfect Pie too...
Ideeli-ok they have a really cool Ideelstyle sale and i have to tell ya, the items are very pretty. The prices aren't that bad. They have a pair of black BCBG glitter booties for 69.99-I'm a size 9 people...LOL. newest thing...think Pinterest, but you can buy stuff from it and it will tell you what stuff is like it etc..So you get to have a keep it button by your browser like a the pin it button, you keep what you like and add to your collection, you can click the item again to see how much it costs and buy it. I'll be playing around with the site! just opened TODAY! ok i'm having too much fun on there...
Forever 21-Go to the website and sign up where it says sign up now. Friends and Family event, maybe it's a big big sale!
Dorothy Perkins-because we women love good deals and love to shop, here's another website with incredible prices. I would hang out in the sales aisle because there are some cute dresses in my size....

it's time for.....
Pawsitive Dog Stories!
This is a great story and it comes with a video. A dog was trapped in a burning house and passed out from smoke inhalation. The owner wasn't in the house so as you probably guessed, the neighbors must have called 911. It took an HOUR and the paramedics saved this pups life. They have special oxygen masks for dogs and cats. That's just amazing and makes me feel better that in some counties and states they see my pets as family members and are willing to do anything to save them. 

ok time to mosey. Love y'all.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I love presents in the mail...

that i've bought for myself! I received two of my subscription boxes.

Kate Somerville Exfolikate-(cute name for the product) Basically, you wash your face first and then spread  a thin layer on your face. I wet my hand and then massaged it in. The product was green and grainy, it did a great job i thought, i was as smooth as a baby's butt.
Erno Laszlo Phormula 3-9 Balm-first thing i noticed is it didn't have instructions, so i had to look up this product. To my amazement I noticed the price for the full size is $265. Why offer me a sample of something that is so expensive. No way in Hades i am going to buy it? But whatever, I applied to my face and i do have to admit my face was softer. 
Oscar Blandi Pronto Wet hair Color deluxe-this is a conditioner and it's cool, you don't have to use too much of it. I'm still getting used to the smell. 
Jane Iredale Self Tanner-I don't use self tanner. Maybe i'll give this to someone who does, but i fear that it will only cover one arm. 
Aromachology Clean and Fresh-I found it to be a powerful crisp scent. I didn't mind it, but i'm still not sure of it.

Neutrogena Natural Lip Balm-when i got this in the mail at lunch yesterday this was the first thing i put in my pocket. Kinda reminds me of normal chapstick.
NYX Roll on Shimmer-Not really sure what i'll do with this, but i guess Halloween is coming up soooo...
Ferro Blush X3-the packaging for this was all wrong. I lightly dipped my brush in the small jar and holy crapola super color on my cheek. I didn't like it one bit. Blush should be in compact form and be subtle. I have pink dust on my robe and all over my vanity...Not happy. thinking of using it as eyeshadow. 
ALFAPARF MILANO Cristalli Liquid Serum- I'm a serum girl, so i had to try this today. i like it. my hair feels soft and not too oily. Could also be the conditioner above, but since this came in a little jar i think i can keep using it for over a week. or put it in my purse and take it with me!
$20 Sole Society Gift Card-Why thank you Total Beauty, How did you know i already ordered shoes from there!!!!

Gerry's Birthday plans are turning into a camping trip. It's actually sounding like a lot of fun because these are most of our friends going. We're celebrating his company and his birthday. Does that mean I have to bring his presents with us?? i hope not, because the dutch oven he's been asking for is a bit too heavy for me to lug around. Which reminds me I need to get him a card and wrap his gifts. I could have sworn i got more. I am so bad this year. ACTUALLY I'm going to blame him, because I've been asking him for a month what he's wanted for his birthday. I know he wants a tablet, but I'd rather buy one on Black Friday when the sales are good. He did say he wants a new wetsuit. Listen to this, he was trying to sell 3 wetsuits at the garage sale. That means he has 4. sigh. 

I want to try the yankees lady perfume....

So when is it going to rain? Because how nice would it be to stay home, watch movies and BAKE all weekend long?????

Did you know loafers are making a comeback? I remember wearing penny loafers during my Benetton and Gap phase, which was like 21 years ago. Yes i'm old...well not old..but very well preserved. I need to get some plaid skirts and V neck sweaters.

I am having a hard time relaxing today, maybe i should lay down.

Sites and stuff on them.
  • Epicurious- If you haven't signed up for their emails, you're a dork. Sorry, but really they have some great ideas and may inspire you to try something different or maybe enhance the recipes you already love. Just sign up, I get nothing if you do, but you will get a lot of inspiration!
  • Hautelook-great sales! shoes, boots and American Apparel has new items daily!
  • Rue La La-Firstly, i love this site. Thanks to them I have an affordable set of pots and pans that are BEAUTIFUL!!! Also this site is for any pocketbook size. Right now this link will take you to the Robert Mondavi wine sale. I don't drink, but the holidays are coming and taking a good bottle of wine with you to a party or an event or even giving wine as a gift is thoughtful. Prices aren't too bad. 
  • Open Sky-this is just a fun site. check it out. lots of different items for sale
  • stands for in defense of animals. it's a great site, has links to their blog. Really a wonderful site. Please like them on facebook too!.
it's time for........drumroll here....

pawsitive dog story!
More like a positive dog picture. This dog was on the table, ready to be euthanized. Someone saved her life. Does this picture say THANK YOU? yes it does. There are dogs in shelters dying EVERYDAY. I will never understand buying from a breeder when all of these dogs go to the shelter. Save a life today. They will love you forever.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tiger Tuesday-Everybody say ROOAR!

Yeah so the title makes no sense, but hopefully you've expected that from me since my blog doesn't follow any type of sorta does i guess, but really it makes sense in  my own mind.

On my mind right now...Pinch collars. I may try one. As i read about them, i'm finding that these are only used as a training tool and should be used a couple of times. I can deal with that. Maybe Bella will understand that it's time to learn now. I'm so confused. I don't even know who to ask about this. My boss uses it with her Corgi. Would it be so bad to use it only when I'm training her? My goal is to be able to get Bella so calm and focused on me that she knows I will be there for her. She doesn't need to get all coocoo when she sees a dog in a car. Yesterday i took her on a walk and i didn't see one. I let go of my anxiety and was like "ok here we go." Normally i take her to other areas with no dogs. Now i'm looking for dogs in cars, which i know will only help us practice. If anyone has arguments for or against pinch collars please comment below or message me. I just want to do what's right for my dog. Remember, she wasn't like this before she got attacked by a Golden Retriever.

Got my Cuisinart Pots and Pans yesterday!!! They are so beautiful and shiny, I don't even want to use them, i just want to look at them! I'm in love. Not included is one of those giant frying pans, which i'm sure is sold separately, but the whole set is awesome and i got it at such a great price. Thanks Rue La La!

 hmmm livingsocial had a deal for a dog trainer across the bay....I wonder if i should call him....

tired of my weather app on my phone saying it's going to rain. The cloudless sky is telling me something different. 

This Fall the color you want is Oxblood. It's sexy.

Last night I made Yorkshire Chicken. I had no idea what this was supposed to look like or taste like. BUT it was so GOOD! I'm trying to step outside of the box and take recipes from cookbooks that i've bought. Ack, i can't find the recipe online. I found it in one of my cookbooks and instead of a whole fryer or pieces, I used cut up chicken thighs. I dredged in flour and fried until golden brown in olive oil. I placed at the bottom of the casserole dish, carmelized some shallots in the leftover oil and placed on top of the chicken. prepared the batter which was 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk, 1 egg and some pepper, put that in the blender and then stirred in a teaspoon of dried rosemary. poured over the chicken and heated the oven to 365. The recipe said 375...i made a mistake, but after 40 minutes at 365 it was so yummy.

uhm, look at this.
normally i would be like I want my kitchen to be black and stainless steel everything, but tell me this kitchen doesn't scream warmth! I love the beam thingy on the ceiling.

 Cool sites and stuff
 Plukka- Look at this awesome's $3100.00 so don't touch just look....

Hautelook-Vera Wang Lavendar is on sale. The Organza Strapless Dress is my fav. Also Fall boots on sale at GREAT prices.
Ideeli-Coats, Coats and more coats!

It's story time my friends and who doesn't like reading heartfelt amazing stories of animals who help save lives even when they're not trained to. Read here about some heroic strays who adopted a crew out in Afghanistan and saved many lives one night. It's amazing how much love an animal can give. Thank you soldiers for making sure that these dogs weren't left behind. you are all my  heroes. Story on

have a wonderful day everyone...notice i didn't talk about the Yankee loss last's ok. We're tied.