with a capital M. I cannot for the life of me wake up this morning.I'm in a daze. Last year I wrote about it and the reason why it's stupid. My opinion hasn't changed and I'm very unhappy. boohoo woe is me.
- Gerry and I had a sweet saturday on Haight St. We went into the shops we both liked and just had a good time. Bought some shirts, books, a dress and other chachkes (is that how you spell it? if not i blame that on daylight savings time as well). It was a good day. Came home to our loving pup and realized that our feet and our bodies were too tired to go out to eat that we ordered some Redboy pizza. yummy.
- If you ever wanted some Louis Vitton suitcases, head on over to Ideeli. They are Louis Vitton prices...just warning you...
- You know, I have been the same damn wait for about 3 years? Is that a good thing? with exercise and watching what i eat...That's gotta be good, but i know that i'd like to LOSE weight not stay the same. I don't want to do something drastic. I like food. Oh and doesn't help that people at work keep having potlucks for everything.
- Yesterday i cleaned the livingroom. It was a disaster area. This is our most lived in space and really it looked it. I haven't been able to clean due to stupid injuries and the such, but i was so happy with myself that i pray it stays the same. it won't but i can still pray it will, right?
- Hey people, go to Sole Society and check out their shoes. They have more "closets" for you to go through. You don't just get your own monthly picks, based on the answers to a questionnaire, but staff choices as well.
- I have a polaroid and am very upset that film is so expensive. I definitely need to get some though. I never owned one when i was younger so I definitely would love to play with one now and maybe make some cool art with it, but with like 20 bucks a package or something boo.... they do make great chachke pieces :) aka decor.

- I think i may have used my only alert brain cells, because i need sleep and cannot concentrate.
- i do not think men in scarves are attractive. They all remind me of Fred.
- Apparently Oreo is turning 100 and i want one.
ok peeps and polyps, i gotta go. have a fab day.
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