The beginning of the year hasn't been too bad, I mean only 5 days into it and for about 3 days I've spent it at work, BUT I can tell you that I can use without my payroll system. They're killing me, literally little knives attacking me through the computer because they're turds. Oh and then I go home and all G is watching are gun shows and he's wrapped his little head around a stupid safe that can't even go into our house. He has this whole idea of getting a rifle and I told him he needed a safe if he was going to keep it at our house. Anyone who has been to my house knows that we have absolutely no room for a safe. NONE. Every corner has crap in it. We don't even have a closet. Anyway, so because the guy went down in price this antique safe will soon belong to G. and he'll keep that lovely heavy ass POS in his storage, because if we put it in the house, we'll have air conditioning for every season and a lovely cat and dog door through the floor. My new rule to myself is that if someone asks me a question that pertains to me and my living situation, but they don't realize that I have say over what comes in and out will soon see their stuff outside. Don't ask me what I think especially when I'm against it and then do it anyway. What was the point of asking?
- Did i say Rifle? yes. Do i want one? NO. Mr G is getting a safe that's too big for anything we have of value for a stupid rifle which won't be in the house. People, guns are a false sense of security. Sure I'd like to own a gun one day, but first I want A LOT of training. Not youtube videos showing me how to take apart my gun or a friend telling me that's how he did it. No I want instruction. It's not a toy, it's a lethal firearm. end of fucking rant.
- I really like wide leg pants. you know the dressy kind....i have a pair of maroon wide legs and just love how they look so sleek. I bought mine at Forever 21. These are Adrienne Vittadini. They're pretty. and they're 40 bucks. They're not too wide either. and yeah you guessed it, ideeli.
- I really need a new purse. Mine is too big. I'd also like my keys to stop getting lost. that would be nice.
- I've been teaching my dog new tricks! As a dog owner I have to give my dog physical exercise and MENTAL exercise, so I've reintroduced her to the kong to keep her brain working. Began figure 8 training-going through my legs by following a treat with her greedy little nose with the command "through", and teaching her Hi, which looks like she's about to give you 5 ( she already knows that) I want her to say hi on her own. hehehe. Also playing hide the treat in a cup game, you know where you hide a treat under one cup and then you switch the cups on the ground a bit while your pup follows the cup with the treat in it. She looks adorable while she does it, ears forward and eager to get the treat. So far the treats I have are unbreakable by my bare hands, so I have to find better ones this weekend. Must keep my dog well balanced!
- ok. must stop looking at clothing. By the way, I have paid off ONE credit card. in a couple of weeks #2 and then time to kill #3!!!! the first two don't count. I had 82 bucks on one and then 200 bucks on the other. #3 i will call "thank you Wells Fargo for thinking i'm a big spender" card. they keep upping my limit and i keep saying ooh. I will pay that off SUPER FAST. 6 months hopefully. now that i don't have a car payment there's no excuse!
- I think i'm making a green salsa pork tart tonight. Think quiche with pork salsa, red peppers and onions. mmmm. Thank you Bon Appetit magazine.
- OH SF! Only in San Francisco or possibly in NY, 2012 No Pants BART day who thinks of this stuff!!!!
- Ok i have to run. I am getting a headache. booo.
Everyone have a great day!!!