
Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

I love Halloween and it's here! I love the tricks, the treats, the scary, the funny ahhhh...My weekend didn't exactly turn out how i want it-when does it really? But it was good nonetheless. Had dinner with some friends, the Rangers lost of course (fuck), spent the day with Gerry yesterday, looked at Halloween stuff, watched a scary movie...etc....It turned out to be a good weekend.
  • I am a race car driver. I'll let you use your imagination
this isn't me, but this is my costume. lol. I do have to upload Bella's costume. TOOOOO cute. I'll do it later tonight.
  • Tonight's plans are dressing up-i guess i'm not getting out of my costume all day long-going to my old neighborhood where they do it up and then walking about with Bella in her costume downtown. Should be fun! No crazy partying over here.
  • I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of November...which also is Dia de los Muertos. The holiday is meant to honor the deceased in one's family.  I believe it's a beautiful holiday because we all need to remember the people we've lost and maybe some of us don't believe in prayer or whatever but a day to honor their lives doesn't sound like a bad day. Death is a natural occurrence in life. 
  • Well 24 more days until Turkey Day. 
  • We don't get any trick or treaters. It is SO sad. 
I Hope whatever any one does tonight that they have a safe evening, remember to check your kids candy-don't eat all of it. Dress up and have a good time! lot's of love!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Thank you Rangers AND Mother Nature....

For ruining my Friday. Yes you ruined it. Mother Nature you delayed the game. Rangers you could have one last night...what the hell was all of that about????? Seriously??? Feliz, you're benched in my opinion. Ogando (sp?) you too. dammit. Now Game 7 on a friday night so NO corn maze.
  • So tonight i'm demanding pizza. Last night's game just about gave me a heart attack. I thought I was going to flip out on someone. Baseball table tennis. that's what it was. I could develop Tourrettes watching sports. Swear to the being or beings above. So pissed about last night. And may I ask why the hell are so many people in the Bay Area Cardinals fans????
  • So I got a new computer at work and using windows 7 professional. I like it so far. kinda nifty.
  • I have a strange feeling this weekend will not turn out as planned. Makes me a tad sad. But we'll see. All I ask is that I sleep in and go to Pirates of Emerson.
  • Went to bed thinking of my mom and my grandma. They're both on vacation and wish i could be with them. Miss them both very much. i worry about them even though I know they'll be ok. Planning on going to NY hopefully in April. Take Gerry in the spring, pack light and see the sights, visit my mom and grandma. Sit in Central Park and take many deep breaths.
  • WE may have a working BUTT this weekend...err i mean a boat. hehe...

  •  Right after work I have to take Bella on the hike. Pretty soon there will be no more hiking after work. Daylight Savings time is November 6 and we fall back an hour. :( 
  • I didn't lose any weight according to the scale this morning, but I didn't gain either. so good for me. currently riding the AF wave. lol. if you know what that means I give you props. 
  • hmm, never heard of this website until i got the image above...check out looks fun. opinionated people voicing their opinions...sounds like every other social website out 
  • Anyone else bothered that they had to remake the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? The movie was fine the way it was. Just because it was in another language does NOT mean we need to remake it. I watched Ringu after I watched the Ring, i had no idea that the Ring was a remake and was surprised at how good the original was. Will we be remaking foreign films now or can we start writing our own movies? 
  • so last night i started my briefcase all about me project. I know i can't fit myself in a box, but i can make a city out of that box and collage the hell out of it. It'll probably take a long time to finish. but I'm excited. I'm trying to do some projects that really lift me up. I need to feel good about myself.....
  • ok i gotta mosey, lots of crapola to do. So Come on Rangers kick some ass tonight. I'll be watching.
loves with sterile gloves....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Brr Baby it's cold outside.

It was chilly this morning. Our tiny heater was on pushing hot air but it was still a bit nippy in our bedroom. I guess fall is finally here. Unfortunately in California a cold morning can quickly turn into a warm day. It's pretty difficult to dress for the day. I heard there was going to be snow in some eastern states...kind of soon don't ya think, mother nature?
  • Hey all of you jeggings lovers. They're being sold at Bed, Bath and Beyond, just FYI...19.99. I am not a jegging wearer, but thought it quite odd that they would be sold there. If it's your flavor I just helped you out, if not laugh about it.
  • Beautiful glassware on ideeli by Luigi Bormioli. Reminds me I need a gravy boat for Turkey day. 
  • Parved Cumpkins last night!! Fun fun fun. And of course in Jacky fashion I didn't take pictures. I will tonight!
  • Not sure where many people who read this blog are, but I'm thankful that I don't live in many states in this country. Some are closed minded, prejudiced and ignorant. Take for instance this article in KC dog blog. Hey let's NOT teach kids about dog bites, because you people showed up with a "pitbull" to the classroom, don't you know we're supposed to teach kids that "pitbulls" are mean? Ugh. I am sick of people. 
  • Remember that massage I got the boyfriend, well I can't get a refund for it. I guess i'll have to make an appointment and wing it. I'll be using this for myself. 
  • Since the above happened. I will also be making the appointment for the plane ride. I will definitely need a good book while i wait for him too. I heard a new Augusten Burroughs novel is out-i think it's an ebook...UGH it is.... Must get that though, shit i have to order it from Amazon. How sad is it that we don't have a local bookstore anymore? OH wait there's one a couple of exits in another town, still saddens me that one isn't close by though. Soon they'll all be gone. 
  • Errrr, Hautelook is selling wigs by Raquel Welch. errr k....
  • Major accomplishment of the day yesterday was JOGGING! I was able to jog about 3 block without stopping! I didn't run out of breath. My legs didn't feel like they were going to buckle. I was proud of myself. I deserve a medal here....
the medal has really nothing to do with my accomplishment, but i thought it was funny. :)
  • I can't wait for the weekend. I'm super excited to go to the corn maze and the haunted houses! 
  • Potluck for Halloween!! So I think I'm coming to work dressed as Victoria Stilwell-it's easy, i just need a stuffed dog. I have to bring something and I found a great idea on Pinterest!

Halloween Apple Pie

 ok time to go. I've wasted your time already. Go do something...hugs.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

After these messages....We'll be right back.

so I'm back today. Yesterday I was a bit too philosophical. which if you got it, then good if you didn't well then you didn't. Now on with the show.
  • So you've always wanted a Hermes bag. Well Ideeli is selling them. This blue birkin bag is 15k.
now if you look online there are a lot of "deals" for this bag for 250 bucks. is it real? what the hells the difference? and thirdly do i care? no...not really...i would like this in black though preferably in the $20 price range.
  • Can you believe Gerry still has NOT made up his mind on what to get for his birthday??? It's been like 2 months that I first brought up the ideas an airplane flight OR a helicopter flight....Well guess what appeared today on Livingsocial????? FLIGHT FLIGHT FLIGHT in a plane and it's 2 hours long and a good price. I gave him an hour exactly. If he doesn't make up his mind. I get to make it up for him. Either way he'll have a blast right? 
  • ok i have to insert this video here because #1 it's cute, #2 i learned something new about alpacas and #3 it's cute....
Some albino alpacas do have pink nails...
  •  We cannot forgot about game 6 tonight!!!! come on Rangers!!!! 
  • AND WE GOT A BIRTHDAY PRESENT DECISION!!!! Airplane!!! Bought it. Good thing i saved up some money for it. :) super stoked. Once i get this voucher i'm calling to make an appointment! I can't wait for him to fly!!!
  • Praying that this weekend goes as planned...well as I Friday Corn Maze 9 bucks a person and definitely worth it! Then crossing my fingers Saturday-Pirates of Emerson-20 bucks buys you 5 haunted houses AND a mental maze. I want to buy the tickets this week online, i hate waiting in lines for 
  • Have you carved your pumpkin yet??? me neither. it's sitting on our steps and i want to carve!!! Tonight may be the end of the world series, so maybe i can do it tomorrow??? lol..I want to spray paint my pumpkin half black and half white...i think it would look cool  and then i'd carve a face....we'll see!!!
Ok i gotta run. have a great day luffs.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What are your needs?

This has come up twice today. I have basic needs and as you all know i have desires.

But what do i need?

I'd like to one day feel comfortable with myself. completely at ease mind, body and soul. I'm not sure what that looks like or maybe that's just a dying wish.......I don't know what I need anymore. Too many wants and needs are mixed up in my head and I realize that I'm in a state of confusion as to what is important. I know material crap isn't important, but some of those things keep me sane. Like I want craft stuff so that I can make other stuff so that I can stay sane while trying to quit smoking. I need a healthier me, I need a saner me, but with that comes wants that I don't truly need. So all in all, I need to find comfort in being at peace with myself by myself and with myself. I don't like to rely on anyone for my happiness, because that's short lived-that is a want not a need. I hate going on multiple mental journey's. Quitting smoking has been hard and I'm not even fully off cigarettes. I feel like a failure, but I'm also dealing with counseling with my partner and now shit with my past that I'd rather keep trapped in my basement. It's unfortunate that that pain leaks out here and there and transforms itself into an ugly angry monster and it turns me into a cold and fearful person. ok where was i going with this.....

Needs are basic. I need to eat. I need to hydrate. I need to poop. I need to pee. I need shelter. I need to sleep. I need to work. I need to help the other things in my life that must be provided the above as well-such as animals and children. I also need to heal and I need to feel. I need to feel pain, pleasure, happy feelings, sad feelings...etc...I also need to feel centered and calm. Maybe it's ok to feel a bit out of control at times too....Life can't always be one flat line.

ok i need to stop here because i'm getting too serious. I did find this which i think is hilarious and must share with you...then i need to go. it's almost 1 o'clock and well i don't want to work on this all day....

The First Date:
The Exciting Phase:
The Comfortable Phase:
The Too Comfortable Phase:
The Decline:
The Breakup:
Getting back together:

Technical issues.

I may have to come back later...i'm having issues requiring tissues...stupid technology.

Monday, October 24, 2011

No fair.

Stomp stomp. Just not ready for this monday crap. I want a friggin vacation dammit. I'm effin tired. I even worked Saturday for one of my boyfriend's clients at her furniture sale. At least I made some money. I spent it on Bella bones, some craft stuff....I bought a homeless man a couple of hot dogs. That made me feel good. He was also getting a big sandwich from someone else. It felt good that there were other people who wanted to help this old guy out.
  • I'm pretty blank today. 
  • World Series, yah COME ON RANGERS! Can't wait until tonight's game!!!!
  • wow seriously i have nothing to say. 
  • OH the murder mystery dinner was a little cheesey, but the food was good and we had a good time. 
  • Ok i don't have time to read this, but it looks good so read it for me. 7 basic things you're doing wrong pooping is one of
  • hmm, super quiet for me today. I think i'll leave now before i just bore you all to death with not know what to say. hopefully be back tomorrow with the gift of gab.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Drum Roll please...

I officially lost ONE pound. One backbreaking pound. Well actually that's not so bad, since within that week we had Olive Garden and Cattleman's. I am happy and praying that it's a solid pound and not one of those water weight wishy washy ones that comes and goes. So I guess we'll see what happens next week...I know I should check every day, but this season is terrible. One day you're eating pumpkin pie another day you're trying to starve yourself  and eat like a rabbit. So I'm going to weight myself once a week.
  • So I think i overdid my walk yesterday. woof. Getting some pulling in my butt and my legs. I walked up that hill like it was the easiest thing in the world, all the while my muscles were burning. I have been walking this hill for over a year and a half, it will NEVER get easy. Nice! free gym!
  • This AM I went to a new therapist, who will be assisting my real therapist. I basically went from "I was born bla bla bla"...all the way to present. Stopped to take a breath, probably missed some things along the way. I knew if i stopped I would break down and I didn't want to. I want help but i need to get this out or else I'll probably just keep everything locked inside me. Some things are safer inside of us, but I'm beginning to think that's not always true. One thing mr mean couples guy was right about is that I have spent a lot of energy keeping that stuff in. I don't think he's right about the relationship stuff, but if me doing this to myself on a consistent basis is hurting me, i don't want to do it anymore. And maybe at some point i'll look at my life and see things that i should have seen before or maybe I'll just wake up one day a well balanced human being.
  • OOOH murder mystery dinner tomorrow night. I can't remember what time we're supposed to be there, so I'm planning 5:30? I have an outfit and everything for it. I hope it fits! hahaha. OOH i noted 6:15...good thing. :) i'll tell ya all about it Monday.
  • Hot Pockets taste good. yum.
  • HELLOOOOO!!! Did we watch the world series Game 2 last night???? Did you see that/?? Tied baby!!! Go Texas. Check out all info here on
  • ouch just burned my tongue on hot pocket....damn you hot pocket. 
  • they're too tasty, i want one more...but I only brought one...and a greek yogurt which is my snack. Really the calories aren't too bad. someone probably disagrees with me, but hey it tasted good, nice portion, and my tummy for the time being has shut the fuck up....
  • So doesn't seem like anything is planned this weekend. Hopefully some pumpkin carving. We also need to get a large pumpkin. I need to go to goodwill and pray that I find a frame and a background i can spray paint with chalkboard paint. I also need chalk...Two ideas and i'm broke. 
  • Hey people, BIKES on Ideeli!! Prices look great! Neat. they're mostly cruiser looking bikes, which I LOVE!
  • People I'm rocking it with drinking over 8 glasses of water every day.... I am pretty much making myself drink more water even when i'm not thirsty, I love it. Normally I  only drink water, but i am pretty sure it's only about 6-7 glasses a day. according to my brand new water bottle with the levels on the back, i've already drank 6 glasses and it's 12:30. How many glasses do you drink????
  • After work is play with Bella time. then i'll go home and watch the series...she's definitely more important. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay safe. hugs bugs.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Coffee and Ativan soothe the nerves.

Well had my coffee, realized that my stupid boyfriend never read the email i sent him YESTERDAY about our therapist and got into HIGH anxiety mode. Also started stressing out about having to tell my boss that I have an appt tomorrow at 8am. yup 8 am. I had to get the earliest appointment for therapy that I possibly could because I feel like i'm working for nazi's all of a sudden. I will not get into the whole vacation schedule thing. Sent me beyond ticked. Anyway I had to take an ativan. I notice when I get stressed out, my muscles tense and my back winds up paying for it. So deep breaths, ignore stupidity, realize that I lead my own life and I will not depend on others to make me happy. Tell that to my bank account. Just spent my whole check on two bills. back to square one. Anyone think that the light bulb in the boyfriend brain will go off and he will realize that he needs to spend money this month on the things we need like GROCERIES, DOG TREATS, BONES etc....BREATHE!!!!! I'd love to see what my blood pressure is right now.
  • ok did a little breathing technique and i think i'm ok...
  • tell me this baby elephant isn't the cutest thing...

 I'd be freakin out too if i realized my nose was like a 5th leg.
  • Random I know, but you know that song by Selena Gomez-I love you like a love song can actually fit "i love you like a fat kid loves cake." it works. i sang it over and over this morning. Made me smile. :)
  • now i'm officially sleepy. sigh. Haven't been able to do the pie or turnover thing, because I've been asking Gerry to help me, but he's been too busy. I hate coring and peeling apples, especially like 8 of them...bleh. So it will have to wait. ONE DAY my friends. 
  • I just got props for the times i'm not smoking!!! which made me smile! I need that encouragement! My friend Jessi told me to not be too hard on myself. It's really hard not to smoke on breaks or after I eat or when i'm pissed off. lol. I think that's a problem right now. I'm pissed off about a lot of things and I want to smoke all of the time. I am pretty sure smoking and emotions are related.
  •  Here are some things that will make me smile and for sure it will make you smile:

  •  Rangers! what the heck happened last night? Rock it tonight, Ok??? MLB updates! check the baseball almanac -nice long list of all the world series! 
  • I am eating a hot pocket. its' not bad. wish it was a healthier lunch.

    Ok i must go...have a good thursday!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm a bad girl.

yup. i am. or maybe i'm not....Is it just me or I'm seriously living paycheck to paycheck, even with a tiny savings that I can't touch i feel broker than broke.  I've pretty much put the credit cards on hold-there are only 2 don't think i'm some crazy shopaholic....But UGH! I need to go food shopping, buy some meds, vitamins, CONDITIONER!!! sigh. I'm feeling super stressed out, yet I'm trying to figure out how i did it before....could it be that I was using my credit card more than i think i was?
yup shame on me......
  • Good things are happening though next year. I'll only owe in credit cards but not car or federal taxes-yeah i fucked up there in 2009, not one of my proudest moments. Let me tell you something that the financing companies do to fuck you in the end. For anyone that has a car loan through a financing company you'll get letters with your bill that congratulate you for being a great customer and if you want SKIP THIS MONTH'S PAYMENT! Don't do it, you will wind up paying for it on your final payment. I'm finally down to two more payments and the last payment will be twice as much because i fell for it-yup that month i really did need that extra money, so I don't feel too bad, but here we are and looks like that extra amount will be put on my credit card....I can't help it, i have to put it on there, but atleast the car will be officially MINE and I won't owe them anything.
  • tonight is GAME 1 of the World Series! Here's your like to game starts at 4:30 on FOX. I'm already auto-tuned and my after work exercises are on hold. Sorry Bella.
  • What's for dinner in our broke house? Well No meat today since we're out. I figure a homemade gooey mac and cheese with some corn and use my anxious energy to make that dessert I was thinking about yesterday......funny thing, no matter how many times I told Gerry "we don't have any meat or chicken or anything for the next three days" it's like he didn't hear me. Well we'll see what happens when he doesn't get any for the next couple of nights, he probably won't even care. lol. I could probably give him a well seasoned mixture of food in a trough and he would nod and eat. hahaha. i can see it. 
  •   oh where did i go! my brain froze and i don't know what to talk about next...i'm excited about tonights game. Instead of the hike, i'll have to do squats, yoga, weights and the such...but tomorrow i have to hit the hill again. Can't do that to my dog AND it will only be the beginning of game 2, so that's ok!
 i must say goodbye! see you tomorrow!!! GO RANGERS!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

13 More Days until Halloween!!!

I'm so excited. I don't even know why. We watched "the Unborn" last night. It was pretty good. We rented some movies-how 90's of us! We also got Horrible Bosses and Hanna-two great movies that I cannot wait to see! Tomorrow can't be a movie night though. 10 bucks for the person that guesses why. Here you go if you guessed right...

  • I just read the news about racer Dan Wheldon and how he spent his last night with his wife before he died in a horrible crash. I don't really know anything about race car drivers, but it made me really sad. I'm so glad that he had a good life with a beautiful woman who gave him love, laughter and children. Rest in Peace. Here's the yahoo link.
  • Just in case you need to look into couples therapy, look here and read about what you need to ask before you pick someone. 
  • As you probably guessed i'm having second thoughts about the counselor we have. All of a sudden it felt like it's all me and nothing Gerry. We're two people and my baggage isn't the only thing holding us back. I feel a bit blamed and now rushed that I need to see someone ASAP in order to work on my personal issues or my world may fall apart. His words resonated in my head how the relationship will be as good as the work I put into it. Hey BUDDY, I've been doing most of the friggin work here-AND i've been doing a pretty damn good job. Sure I'm not perfect, but for the most part I think I've helped "us". I do agree I need to see my psych about my stuff. I just don't like the pressure. 
  • LOL here's an will make you think Holding a grudge against your spouse
  • So baking this week. I think i'll be making some turnovers...i should make a pie too. Gerry picked some wild apples for us. So i will make him something yummy. I think apple pie, apple turnovers and I want to try this amazing looking apple caramel cheesecake. ok, this is a cookie bar recipe by picky palate. I'll probably use graham cracker crust, make my cheesecake filling, use the apples I have and layer that filling on top. I will buy the caramel candies because that will help my sanity-I've never made homemade caramel and the only other recipe I've found requires hours of boiling a can of condensed milk. Too much work. :) I'll take a picture when I have a chance, for now here's theirs....
  • OH so i did shop this weekend. I bought this super cute dress at a vintage store for 10 bucks. My only problem is, I need a belt. one of those waist belts, which i've never had or wanted, but if i want to wear this dress it's the only way it will work. It's a bit sacky. i need my stylish friend Emily to help me with this, before I give up on it. The store I went to is called Magpie in Fairfax CA.
  • i bought tea tree oil last night. I need to see if this Martha Stewart thing works. Supposedly if you have dish soap, baking soda, water and tea tree oil, you'll get's the link
  • ugh...Ok for anyone doing the HCG diet I give you props. I may do it, but with 10 lbs to lose, I just feel like the diet isn't for me. Mentally the effect of losing weight so fast may lead me to desire an even more drastic weight loss. I know i can do it this way. exercise, portion control and a lot of water. 
  • yesterday, i hiked with Bella-who was a naughty girl when I told her to come and she didn't-she'll be better today, did fast yoga-hey i had to watch a movie. I did have a large amounts of Veggies with my chicken. We all have to be honest with ourselves though. Fall and the beginning of winter are the worst times to start a diet. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Come on...really??? I just have to stay at a nice weight so that I can fit into that damn dress. lol. 
Alrighty peeps. must boogie. Have a wonderful day! hugs thugs.

 love this doll!

Monday, October 17, 2011


NO NO NO NO NO. It is not Monday. It is a big fat nightmare and I will wake up any minute now and it will still be the weekend. It was a pretty damn awesome weekend and I want to go back. dammit. I so sad...

  • I still need a friggin blender. I also must come to terms that this year there won't be a disneyland trip, i won't get my boots or sweater and that i'm broke. sigh. Funny thing is after my last car payment in December I'll be groovy as gravy, just in time for the new year.
  • For those of you who love ideeli, there are mixers on sale.....
  • i forgot my glasses AGAIN. I'm thinking my old glasses need to be here...
  • WORLD SERIES PEOPLE! Starting on Wednesday I'd say check here for times, but don't do it yet because they haven't announced it...So wait.....check back often...Go Rangers!  :)
  • i saw the Birds Barbie yesterday. We went to the town where they filmed it and the only grocery store had this Barbie on display for 95 bucks. I wanted it. Gerry said no. Who else was going to buy it for's a black label! here is link i want to own a black label Barbie.

  • So what's next in our lives? Murder Mystery dinner which i can't wait!!! Halloween-we're recycling our costumes from a few years ago and dressing up as pirates...of course what are we doing? I have the slightest clue. 
  • here's something super cute for you. What a dog does when it's cold.

  • note to self...never look up traps again. poor animals. 
I think I have to make this short. I will sum up that since this weekend was a bit of a bust food wise-Cattlemans, Olive yum. My workout only consisted of Saturday burning calories on a power walk and tiring the Bella. Also i don't think I deserve a medal this week-it's not bad, but it's not great. coffee table project hitting a stand still since we don't have the machine that cuts the tile. so I have a feeling this may be a bust. I'll have to pick an easier project if this doesn't come through in the next couple of weeks. Maybe just paint the table and stain it and sell it. Start small with a perfect square where i won't need to cut anything. lol. sometimes you gotta know when to fold em....
anywhoo ice ice baby is on my ipod and i gotta run. tootles. be safe ace.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Gerry.

Today is his birthday! He's 35 years young as my mom likes to call it. My mother is a wise woman I think she unlocked something in me yesterday that helped me see what the hell was wrong with me. off to our list.

  • I am a double edged sword. I sense things from people. I go off their emotions when they relate to me. If they're angry sometimes I get angry or if they're depressed most of the time I feel their pain. I've been in a super emotional, pissy ass mood and I couldn't figure out why. I thought "I'm going crazy.I will need new meds soon." I guess I'm hypersensitive and too much emotion leads me to feeling vulnerable which i don't like. I guess I like the part of me that can relate to you and feel for you. 
  • I did make a "cake". I will NOT share it with you because well it's not really a cake. I made little gingerbread skeleton men-which thank you to Emily for being the expert rib and pelvis decorator! I also made a little patch of dirt for his candles and 3 brownie muffin thingies which i decorated...pretty much looked like a 5 year old made it, but what the hell, it worked and I did it!
  • I'm not quite sure what we're doing today, we have tomorrow planned. I'm going to suggest the Cornmaze! Petaluma Cornmaze. we'll be in the area....

 Yes people looky here it's Dinocorn as DINOMOVER! In honor of Gerry's birthday.
  • For us Blogger people we can see how many people have looked at our blog in one day, it's more like we can see how many visits and then we can see where it came from, like if it was linked from Google or another person's page etc....For example, yesterday i got 34 views. Woohooo me...right? Well where did they come from? Some referring sites are ESPN-must be the whole baseball thing and probably has to do with the pics i borrowed from their site, google images...which now becomes interesting....people look for the strangest things. I also get to see what people have typed into google that led them to me..look below...i just copied and pasted...but really??? Big Shitty muffin? How in the world did that lead you to me..Should have said heavenly large muffin....people...
how to train your dragon pumpkin

winnie flags

big shitty muffin

colorful little pony

french rolling pin for sale

hilarious quotes

immagini di winnie the pooh baby

kim kardshian ass feed me

pickle de winnie pooh

rainymood qoutes

  •  oh yeah...WEEEEEN!
  •  and for those non Ween people, this helped me get dressed this morning...
  • Fit day 2-I did 20 push ups, weights, jumping jacks and crunches like that poster says. I didn't do yoga or hike because i was busy with Gerry's am birthday surprise. but i still feel good. I did weigh myself and well i am unhappy with the number. If a month goes by and i haven't lost a thing, i'm trying the HCG diet. :)
  • what else...oh i started picture project Aging Jacky...took picture 1. lol. we'll see how this goes. probably will scare the crap out of me in a year. Do I really want to do this???? 
Well i must do other things besides talk with you. Gerry wants to make an apple pie this weekend so that's part of the plan! It will be fun!

have a wonderful weekend and be safe. hugs!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What in the world happened to me?

I know i can't be perfect every day in this little life I have, but did you ever wake up and go what the heck??? What happened to me? Am I just moody this month, this year, this decade? what the heck? or maybe this time of year is harder for me. Maybe I'm sentimental about many things. I'm sensitive to everything, every word, every action towards me. I wish i was harder and sometimes I pretend to be. Maybe this is more than anyone needs to know. I woke up at about 5 am this morning from a dream where Gerry and I were looking at pictures from our past, i woke up uncomfortable and wondered where was that "me"? The me that lived on the house that the past built-where there were no regrets just lessons which pushed me to be a better person going forward?  Strange, huh? Let's get on with the show, shall we?
  • Remember the other day I posted that picture on my  today is a new day post. Well i started, anyone else???? super easy. I also hiked and did yoga. Today I'm not hiking, but I will do yoga, day 2 of the starters exercise plan, wall squats and weights. I will weigh myself in 30 days using yesterday as the starting date, so let's see what happens. 
  • I didn't make what i thought i was going to make yesterday which ofcourse you didn't know what i was that made so much sense. I made burgers! i am eating a patty right as we speak...err write...
  • What I like about myself today? hmmm, i like my hair and makeup...does that count? I think i already went too deep today. 
  • musica for you??? oh yes...
  • alright so tomorrow starts the birthday boy's weekend. not really since he has to work, but if your birthday is on a friday you have a whole weekend to play bratty bday kid. 
  • have you seen this??? are you a woman??? do you love chocolate? if you're a woman you love chocolate, so looky here...2 ingredient chocolate mousse HELLO heaven!!!! let's make this...
  • precious moments are far to come by, hold them tight and remember them always.
  • yes i do sound like a hallmark card there.
  • ok i gotta run. try the chocolate mousse thing, enjoy the bangles and hopefully tomorrow we'll be fitter and leaner than yesterday....well atleast we'll weigh the same as the day before after the mousse..right?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just breathe and listen to the Beatles.

Boppin in my la la..."i'll always be true, you know I love pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease love me dooooo" i can't help but be a little happy.
  • ok..i made yummy treats last night. Molded chocolate cheesecakes is a good tutorial. I used these rubber skull molds. I melted chocolate i found around the house and followed the directions. Unfortunately i should have used more chocolate and more filling, because the molds are a lot larger than the ones shown in the tutorial. My only problem is that the chocolate melts pretty quick...or maybe it's just my chocolate. lol. I'll take pics of these works of art later on today. oh and i tried to make them pops, but my pops weren't straight..hahaha...they were at an angle so they look all silly. shrug. they tasted goooood!.
  • i'm thinking I need to see the acupuncturist. But after looking at the calendar, it doesn't look like I can until the 22nd. BOOOOO. why does relief have to cost so much money. back and hips feeling off.....bleh.
  • Mentally feeling better...i think. lol. you can never be too sure with the brain..what do you think pooh?
 no answer, must be all the fluff...
  • Moses Lake, WA repeals it's dangerous breed ban. check out KC Dog Blog about the details. Pretty interesting stuff. Talks about infringement of civil rights and it's pretty impressive what one person did to repeal the stupid law. 
  • i woke up thinking about dinner again. I have ground beef defrosted and ready for something. I'm thinking some patty melts, but i can do something better...I may need to check pinterest to get some new ideas....follow me if you'd like! Oh wait...the goodies button doesn't work here and i can't find it on. My issue with pinterest is that there are a lot of error messages. As cool as it is, these issues need to be handled ASAP or else us pinterest addicts are going to go aggro. 
  • I may need an ativan today. 
  • I think i will try the chocolate chip oreo cookies tonight. I owe a friend some cookies.......
  • Every day i am going to say something I like about myself. I also thought of doing a photo project of my very own that doesn't include MR I don't like pictures. don't get me started on that. Anyway one thing that i like about myself. This is sorta hard, but I'm going to tell you that I like who I am because I like a lot of things. I don't stick to one spectrum of life, I like it all. Of course that goes for many things like religion, music, fashion, art, books etc. I try to practice acceptance. I guess that's more than one thing, but really that's something I really like about me. I try not to dress only one way, listen to one type of music, believe in only one thing...etc... there are different colors in the rainbow, if it was only one green arc i don't think we'd be so awed by it. 

 that felt sorta good. i kinda got a bit proud of myself. i'm wearing a grin. Apparently that's the sexiest thing about a woman. heehee.
  • OK, must do that mini meditation too...sometimes...smacking people is not the answer. remember that....
 and with that I must leave you. bugs and doves i gotta go....hugs.

<a href=""><img src="" width="156" height="26" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a>
this is what i get when i try to use the html code...:( sad this doesn't work with blogger.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Today is a new day.

Yesterday was not a good day, but today will be better. It has to be, because it's not yesterday, today still has to keep going before it eventually ends and then i can say whether or not it sucked. So, I am hoping that today is better than the past days because today is all i have....don't you just love reading my blog?
  • This weekend is the big boy's birthday. Gerry will officially be older than me....he's always been older but it's a 4 month difference, so this is really the only time his age is different than mine. His birthday is on Friday. No plans for friday thus far. 
  • We were going to a murder mystery dinner on Saturday but due to their double booking at different venues they canceled the show here. So October 22nd should be fun. We have to come up with aliases. I think I'm going to by Scarlet O'hara....or Ginger Rogers.
  • I love the hair color i used last time i dyed my hair. I truly have to dye just the roots! BUT i forgot which company i used!!! DOH! i'm going for the l'oreal stuff this weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed that it matches.
  • Coffee table update-We got it all. The tile and the stain! We have the rest of the items-grout and mortar, i guess...A friend of Gerry's said that he had the paint which was really close to the Candy apple red I want to paint the legs of the i just need time, a dry day and the tutoring of my dear friend Memphis. I can't wait for that day. 
  • Mini Meditations. Only last about one minutes. Good for stressful work days or maybe escaping to the bathroom and doing these. Check out zen habits
 if you need an exercise plan, i'll join you. But i'll also be doing my hikes, yoga and this. so let's do it together.
  • i also need a mantra today "I will not get annoyed...I will not get annoyed" that may not work..."I will not punch anyone...I will not punch anyone" that may not work either.  "MAUI....MAUI...." ooh that works...
  • you know sometimes you read something and say WOW that is what I'm saying...I have many people this quote goes out to....
and no that has nothing to do with Gerry. Apparently he loves me and I love him even when i want to kick him hard in the shin.
  • ok i gotta cut it short peeps. I have stuff to do. thanks for reading....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Well glad that peice of crap is over....

Yup talking about the weekend. Got stuff done, but really it wasn't the funnest weekend. The highlight of my weekend consisted of seeing a really really good friend I haven't seen in years. I don't know how we do it, but every time we see eachother we talk and talk and talk....I hope he stays in my life. He was a great guy friend and still is. Just hope he finds some clarity where he is.
  • What sucked about this weekend....ever realize that the person you live with is completely different than you thought? We're all different, but sometimes you go huh??? Well it all began with one of those shockers like "who are you?" i thought you were this way and now i just find out you're that way? Anyway, we didn't spend much time with each other all weekend and counseling sort of pissed me off. I get that this professional looks at us and sees something based on what we tell him, but at the same time he only sees that. I get so friggin emotional there I just want to run out. I no longer feel safe in there and it ruins my day.  Can't really say, I don't want counseling anymore since I started it, right? It's not working-the point of counseling is to use the tools you learn in real life. Let me tell ya, it's not happening. Our communication is worse than ever and I'm losing patience with him.  Let's just say we had a "cart" issue at Home Depot and I ended up saying FUCK YOU to him. Not that I'm proud of it, but he friggin asked for it. I apologized later for not using my words, and he accepted my apology-once again though he can't see his part in anything. This counseling thing isn't teaching us much if we don't use what we learn and all the while it's costing us money. 
  • Where else am I supposed to go to talk about this crap? I have friends with their own relationship issues or they're married and they have bigger issues than this. Do you know I tried texting him to ask him about vacation and he didn't respond? Yup who's the baby this morning. oh well, request sent off. According to our therapist we are separate people who need to learn how to live together and not depend or rely on eachother too much..i think that's the jist. Well I just made my vacation request without his input. He can take vacation whenever he wants. I've got mine in the books.
  • ok on to less dramatic and personal's a great thing to do if you're in San Francisco SF Reality Rush  the coolest things keep happening but i don't have the friends or the fundage to do them.
  •  Happy Columbus Day. today you'll find lots of sales online. here's one brought to you by forever 21
  •  i don't want to talk about my smoking this weekend. I don't deserve a medal. I will do better this week.....
  • Don't you just love reading all of this unhappy shit to start the week? Think about how I felt all weekend. 
  • Lucky for me the one thing that really makes me happy is furry and loves to do stuff with me. 
  • OH i did see a puppy that i really loved. He didn't have back feet. He had legs, but no feet. We just couldn't do it.  Our house is too small and really I would be walking two dogs and handling two dogs ALL the time. Bella did well with the pup, which made me feel better. I don't know if I could ever really have 2 dogs without humanizing this whole thing. I'd feel guilt for taking my attention off of Bella and yadda yadda. 
  • Tell me this song wasn't meant for me...I love romance, sentimental words and the like. This song warms my heart and I dunno why but I always imagine Adam Levine singing to me..hahaha. i'm 10..really i am...
ok...i'm going now, because I should be making you happy not making you all feel crappy...all 3 of you who read my blog.....

Friday, October 7, 2011

well what are you gonna do???

Yup, the yanks lost last night. I won't point any fingers...ahem Sabbathia...i didn't say a word. If he didn't pitch that one game, Detroit would not have won...guarantee it...but...ahem it's no one's fault. Well we Yankee fans have to wait for next year.....
  • i was out yesterday due to feeling like shit. I have a headache, but it's not as bad as yesterdays waves of caca. So I think i'm a bit better. must drink a lot of water. I brought soup, but came to find out that my work is buying us lunch! So i ordered the nachos. lol. 
  • Since it's friday and I dont' feel like total death, I am taking my poor dog to play and play and play. yes that means throwing the ball until she doesn't want it any longer. I guess I should be thankful that I won't be watching these playoff games.
  • Now will i be watching the World Series? Probably. we'll see who makes it there......
  • I'm one of those people who lacks patience. I love trying ideas i find from pinterest, but i finally found one that took too long to give me any results and now i never want to do it out dos family lace lamp.. I guess i read it somewhere else, to use water down glue and just douse the lace...well i had lace...i think i'll try to use mod podge and no water later on today, i may have a tiny bit of lace left. they're kinda cool...
  • oooh 50 bucks buys you Calvin Klein rain boots on ideeli. too cute!
  • My photo project looks soooo coooool. I can't wait to show you guys...but i have like 22 more days...soooo you'll just have to wait. 
  • my poor coffee table has gotten no love from me. Hoping to go with Gerry to Home Depot either tonight or tomorrow to look at tile! i'm so excited!
  • BUT if the rain wants to last for a couple of days i'm ok with that. It's sunny today, but I welcome weather changes....
  • I love scarves. I love mittens...i love gloves...can't wait to start wearing them again...i know i'm a freak!
i'll try to come back later with some more project ideas i'm biting off get to see a friend i haven't seen in years tomorrow and i'm uber excited!!!! anywhoo hugs bugs!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Good Ahfternoon....

You must say this in the most uppity English accent. Yawn...feeling a bug coming YAHOOOO on those yankees right???
  • need i say more. 10-1 Yankees are taking game 5 home at 5pm Pacific time. Must get off early. 
  • I'm home at the moment hanging out with my maytag repairman. I do have to go back to work and it doesn't seem like one of the two burners has yet to be fixed.....maybe we can get a pretty new stove....sigh...
  • I feel artistically deprived. I haven't been able to do anything with my coffee table this week. We knew the rain would come, but i want to do other things to keep my creativity flowing. Seriously pinterest helps with that. I did my nails last night black and pink. here's a crappy phone picture...First you do layer one of any color, wait until it dries and then apply cut tape-Gerry made the wavy design with blue movers tape, because cutting regular scotch tape is a bitch. apply to nail paint half of nail with other color, wait a little while and slowly take off.apply clear coat. fun times. 
  • Tonight for dinner i'm making salmon for the boys and ofcourse another pinterest idea for us girls....My friend Danette actually gave me the recipe on the site and i can't wait to try it out. First i'm going to make a roasted smashed potato then i'm going to make the salmon and the chicken the same way using this recipe for parmesan crusted chicken i probably won't put parmesan on the salmon, but the mayo for sure. 
  • I'm taking Bella out on a walk today. Rain or Shine!! she needs to be freeeeee and run about. 4 days of no exercise makes Bella a meanie to the other animals. Not really a meanie, but she gets annoyed easier. For example, Fievel-13 year old gray male cat-sits by the door, Bella places her bone in front of Fievel, walks away but comes back and starts barking at Fievel to please move because she wants her BOOOOONNNNE. it's more of a whiny bark. 
  • Sunday is organize the back room day. i have no idea how...but it will be done. I"m thinking we also need to treat ourselves to some yummy lunch...
  • hmm. at the moment I feel trapped by the appliance repairman...He keeps calling me. He should be calling my landlord. 
ok so not much else to say. It's been a busy day and I'm still a bit under the weather. Have a good day all!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

a mighty GROWL.

GRRRRRR. Maybe not a growl but a big fat GRRRR. Do not get me started with last nights game and a pitcher that I find to be terrible during the playoffs. Since i can't watch the yankees play during the normal season, i can only tell you that Sabathia sucks during the playoffs. Joe Girardi should have pulled him off after his 3rd walk. sigh...sorry baseball talk can be boring, but i'm just pissed. Tonight is their last chance to tie it up and bring it home on Thursday.
  • Let's continue with sports, so the "Are you ready for some football?" song is to be retired, because of something Hank Williams Jr said. I heard what he said was pretty shocked to hear him compare our president to Hitler-very extreme and idiotic for the song, I didn't mind it. I don't believe Hank is the brightest bulb on a christmas tree, but oh well i guess you pay for being ignorant...right? May I ask why they were talking to him about his the run for the white house? Who cares what he thinks to begin with?

  •  I want to go to Disneyland for Christmas. I can't figure out what's the cheaper route. Driving our car? Getting a motel? taking Bella with us? Who would she stay with? Who do I trust with our dog????? BLARGH. I want her to come. She's always so much fun. Will Em and Mem come with us? I keep saying I need to plan this soon-the year is pretty much almost over.I know it's sad to say, but when I look at the calendar i only have 15 days worth of options. that's not much. I don't think Gerry quite understands. We still need passports too. I guess i gotta push the passport pics this weekend.
  •  I want these.....aren't they cute??? you can't get these lost in baggage claim!!!
  • i'm soooo busy over here...ugh
  • i made sinful snicker chocolate chip cookies last night. basically a peice of a snickers bar in a ball of cookie dough, bake and enjoy. i brought them into work and they're calling my name.   I better give them out soon....

Alrighty folks.i must go...i'll be back later...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hello and Happy Monday...

I don't know, but I think there was a weekend in there somewhere. Well rested? not too much? I did feel like i did stuff. let's get on with the bullet points to explain stuff because they're pretty.
  • Wedding, was nice. Mass part too long. Personal choice-I couldn't do it. Nothing personal against my catholic friends, but that was really long. I like the "we are gathered here today...." part, it's nice and to the point.It was cool that Gerry agreed with me. lol. Not that we're engaged or anything, but it's comforting to know we're on the same page when it comes to our imaginary wedding. He likes my dress choice, which I stumbled on thanks to Pinterest. He told me to find out how much it is, but I can't even find out who makes it. It's probably like 30k, but I love it. 
i would not be a new bride and usually I'd say F*U tradition, but wow, this dress is gorgeous. If anyone knows who makes it please comment, i just need to get my head out of the clouds and face reality, because this dress has to be expensive or couture. We're funny, we know where we want to get married, what time of day...yet I don't have the rock on my finger....shrug. The wedding confirmed in me something I convinced myself i didn't want. I want to get married.
  • Enough of that crap...So we saw the Yankees won on Saturday, but BOOO they lost yesterday. Today is another day. Watching it with my friends...I will have to run up the hill with Bella and come speedily back down so i can atleast feel like I got some exercise-I DIDN'T EXERCISE AT ALL THIS WEEKEND.
  • Hi my dress didn't fit me. friggin cigarette shittin poopoooo...ugh...ok, i won't let it get to me...I will wear the dress for New Years Eve. So we better be doing something this year or I'm going to be pissed. 
  • oh I need a medal...oh god do i...maybe not the greatest medal, because I wasn't that great. I did NOT smoke a whole cigarette though and I did not buy a pack. so I still deserve a medal. NO i still don't want to smoke...
  • I will take the knitting champion medal for my three weeks.
  • how exciting nothing that i want to buy on any site....
  • Yesterday we went to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival. Good music! Lot's of people and reminded me how much fun a good festival is. I wanted to try all the yummy food though..Looked like great vendors. I was pretty impressed. Can't wait for next year. 
  • Using the crockpot today. Salsa Verde Pork. One big pork shoulder, one jar of salsa verde over pork. voila. :)
  • mmm...I have a feeling my boyfriend is going to by me a horse one day..why do i say that? because he's a smart guy. 
and because i have to go, i will leave you with a video...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Watching the game....

Ok, so I'm crazy about the Yankees. I'm in love with my NY team. Yesterday's game got called because of rain, so game 1 has been continued today. ( i already went to the lovely wedding and it was very nice.) So far this game is crazy. I'm by myself at home and any passerby would think i was probably watching a giants game or something. I'm loud and obnoxious and I don't give a shit. i'm eating my chips with my melted velveeta and salsa dip. I'm drinking water out of my yankee mug and I feel like a sports fan.  This game is insane. so far both pitchers are brutal, the umpire got hit in the face with a ball, boohoo the tigers almost got a run but got an out at home plate. Ack...watching sports boils my blood. it's fun.
  • This week I made some sinful brownies. I will share a picture with you now.
yes. these were delicious. and you should be drooling right now. If you're diabetic, do not eat these. You know how the day after sometimes the brownies just aren't as fresh? Nothing is like a fresh brownie out of the oven...ok get the point. Well to make a different treat the next day take some vanilla icecream-i still have some homemade ice cream, add about 3/4 of  a brownie, pour some milk and press blend. mmmm brownie milkshake. Gerry drank most of it. I think he liked it.
  • As usual the game is giving me a heart attack. lol. I do have to tell you that the TBS programming is making many mistakes, it actually switched to the Tampa Bay/Rangers ok...what else can i share with you...
  • Ever make that cheesey dip i mentioned above and felt guilty about throwing it away-especially if really it's just you eating it or maybe you and your partner. Well save it for breakfast the next day! Make some scrambled eggs and add the cheese to it. Trust me yummy yummy eggs. Now I would never say do this with party dip-that would be gross. 
  • you know you want to see the cutest dog ever! it's bella...she wants to say Hi!
She's had a rough day. Spent most of the day at home, she's with her daddy right now playing at the beach. 
Well I hope you're all having a great weekend. I need to go get coocoo because we just got 2 more runs...hello 4-1!!!!!  hello bottom of the 6th and we're rockin it....HOLY SHIT! grand slam....a homer and two runners on bases...incredible inning...
  •  ever read something on facebook and crack up laughing like you want to pee in your pants because you're like you did not just admit to doing that....seriously, you don't need to tell people what you're doing when you do yeah, go ahead and say it because you look like a douche when you do...hahahahaha...thank you for the laugh by the way. i feel sorry for the ump. hahaha. he's been beaten up by this game.
  • i gotta get this for Bella....
you can get these dog ID tags on

ok i gotta go enjoy this game, try not to go on facebook-ny the way super fun thing to do when you don't want to see people's idiotic posts, hide them. i forgot you can do that. yay. I don't have to see stupidity.