
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Don't you Friday Eve me!

What the hell is up with the last couple of weeks taking so long to get to Friday???? It's eerie that the work days are going by so friggin slow yet the month is almost magically over. What's going on here? My co worker greets me every Thursday with "Happy Friday Eve!", today I wanted to throw my stapler at her. We definitely live for the weekends, waking up late and doing something other than what we normally do.
  • You know that dress I bought for the wedding? Well I need a pair of flats. Lo and behold I see a picture of flats on Ideeli and I'm stoked, until I see the friggin price. $179 for flats?  Are you insane? That's like half a shoe and you're charging for what??? a bow???? When you see the name Repetto, remember expensivo...
  • Speaking of Ideeli. Just a forewarning, Cuisinart will be featured tomorrow....oh my what are they gonna sell!!!!!
  • I think I should have called in sick. #1. Boss told me to turn down my music because he has a headache and doesn't feel good. grrr. my music was a little louder this am, but he wasn't here when i got in and that's the only reason I had it a bit louder than normal. #2. I entered invoices into the wrong company and now i must start all over again. Why do i have to be a dumb dumb sometimes. .
  • I woke up this morning and realized I never quite understood what "loose ligaments" means. let's find out.
Ligaments are tough fibrous bands of tissue that connect one bone to another, and often cover a joint. Ligaments give structure and help define joint function, and help keep bones in close proximity during movement. Ligaments can be easily damaged and overstretched. They also do not generally heal very well once injured. Ligament laxity, or looseness, causes instability in the joint and can lead to damage to the joint and surrounding tissues.
so pretty much i'm screwed. But never fear I am getting ACUPUNCTURE in TWO DAYS! Am I expecting miracles? Yes, sort of. Something has to work, I can't take this anymore. Ok i will stop complaining now.
  • Let's think about pretty things...happy things...
this guy makes me smile....
We're having program issues and I need to calm down...let's keep going with some happy things ok....
  • Gerry is so smart. It would annoy me when he spent so much time on CL (craigslist), but when he finds me stuff I want and for FREE! Well I gotta give him tons of credit...Thank you baby for the Food processor you got me yesterday. Ok so i've got some great ideas to try using the food processor...check it out...
paula deen's pesto cheese blossoms - sounds like a must just for fun....mmmm, maybe at the next BBQ!

 Basil Pesto
This is a must for any food processor....I can't wait to try it. I probably will hold off on a bit of the lemon, but it looks like a pretty simple recipe, so why not give it a go!
flaky food processor pie crust-everyone needs a good recipe. I'll definitely try this and tell you what i think!

and ofcourse...
 Salsa Fresca!

ok i think i'm calmer now...I will end today's programming with this...

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