[Girl:] After a while you'll forget everything
It was a brief interlude and a midsummer night's fling
And you'll see that it's time to move on
[Boy:] I won't do that!
No, I won't do that!
[Girl:] I know the territory, I've been around
It'll all turn to dust and we'll all fall down
And sooner or later, you'll be screwing around...
[Boy:] I won't do that!
No, I won't do that!
(thank you songmeanings.net)
so this is when i say OHHHHHH. and awwwww...how sad...I gotta high five that girl and say "i feel ya".
here's the video for your viewing pleasure.
- So the kitties Sprite and Indie may have a home starting tomorrow. I did call the Humane Society and they were like well you can surrender them which will cost 150 bucks per animal. And here i am thinking i was doing a good thing. Well i still feel good about myself, but really???? Then they said since i found them in a different county i would have to take them there...because SOMEHOW they need to know that? The lady seemed to warm up to me a bit, because she could tell i was doing this from the warmest part of my heart and said if i get them fixed it would be 25 bucks per kitty. SIGH. Sometimes that place lets me down. And for those of you who think i should have made up a story, I really couldn't do that. It's not me. I stopped fibbing a long time ago. I like to be genuine. Anyway, this lady at my work wants them and i'm so happy because she's a really sweet person and is a responsible pet owner already!
- Please please, please! All this requires is you to fill out information and sign the petition about the kitty abuser i posted about yesterday. Make a difference please. Let the world know that we don't stand for violence of ANY kind. This woman needs more than a slap on the wrist. please go to http://www.thepetitionsite.com/2/help-prosecute-kitty-killer/ and sign the petition. I urge you to do this.
- I'm about to mention my menstrual state. yup, i'm going there. HOLY BLOAT. wore a dress today, let's just say i look 6 months preggers. I want to go walk today, but my stupid back feels funky. What's one week off right???? right???? just call me tubby. :(
- HAHAHAHAHA...that whole saggy pants piece of news today was pretty friggin funny. poor saggy pants dude Personally i believe you should dress however you want.
- Our heat wave disappeared. It's warm out, but we have this cool breeze that feels like it traveled through the antarctic or something. Not happy about it. I'm hoping that i actually get to spend time with my significant other who hasn't spent much time with me lately. So we'll see what this wacky california weather will do Saturday and Sunday.
I'd really like to see something like this one day. Thank you Google images for helping me find what i need on a daily basis. you rock, but your google docs don't. Fix that and you'll be perfect.
- 10-ways-to-contact-a-ghost just in case you wanted to know how...I'll have to watch this at home while i eat popcorn in the dark with a couple of candles and some echoey scary halloween tunes.
- i am having a lot of fun with dinocorn, but today i'm just not sure what he should be wearing. OOOH i got it.

don't judge his fashion sense. He's adventurous and willing to play with color. Besides, tutu's are in this year.
Alrighty peeps have a good day. Remember it's thursday and one more day until the weekends here!!!! hugs and smooches!
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