The following are just random things I go through on a daily basis, whether they actually happen or occur only in my head, you decide.
Me and My cat
Me-You're a meow.
Me-No, You're a meow!
Me- NO, You're a friggin MEOW!!
Fievel leads me to his FULL food bowl and CLEAN litter box and I stand over him and he eats...WTF?
Dear Bella,
Please my sweet pup, STOP eating bees! I love you very much, but this bee eating thing is getting ridiculous. Thankfully you are not allergic, but remember I still have to take the stinger out of your skin which for me is not a fun time. I hate bees, they're mean and maybe you're doing it to protect me which i am thankful for but unless they're planning sneak attacks to kill me you don't need to hop in mid air and catch one while we're on a walk. Once again, stop eating friggin fraggin bees.
To Bees
Go away you friggin bees! i don't care if you pollinate stuff (why years after we grew carrots did you decide to pollinate the ground by our front steps? Bella found a carrot there the other day). You attack animals and people and sting them. Go away meanies and pollinate stuff away from me.
To Myself
No shopping. No shopping. You don't need that. Stop can look but don't press the purchase button. It's still over priced even though it's on sale. You'll find it at Ross for way cheaper. phew...window closed. oh wait, that designer is on the page??? that's one of my favs! and i've never seen it anywhere else and it's so far i have 60 dollars in dresses. what else do they have? ooh pretty ring. ***whistling*** SHOES UNDER 20 DOLLARS ON HAUTELOOK???? WHAT WHAT WHAT??? i think i can justify 133 bucks. click buy, moving on...
Scritch, scratch, damn you, you stupid tag. (contort my body and finally get the tag, grab some scissors and CUT that stupid thing off). Why why why??? why not make things TAGLESS!! Tag's drive me crazy. CRRRRAZY. Trust me clothing manufacturer peoples, I will CUT that friggin tag off and when someone asks me who made it, i'm gonna say ME..I made it. Because you guys haven't learned that your tags drive my skin crazy.
Yoga Pants.
I wish i could live in you. You're so comfortable. More comfortable than pj's, more comfortable than nudity. How i wish i were wearing yoga pants and a tshirt. sigh. i'm thinking of you yoga pants...i ammmmmmmmmmm.....
Things that sounds super fun
Capture the Flag at Dolores Park in SF with cardboard fortresses and tackling.
First Friday North Beach art crawl. I love northbeach...mmmm
oh and we have a garage sale all weekend, so i guess we won't be doing much else.
I'd really like a sausage link, some eggs and tasty potatoes.
But i'm drinking a strawberry banana yogurt smoothie.
doodle droppings and hugs.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
A break!!! Finally!
I thought I'd never get on here today!! Phew here I am. just for a bit, so I have to figure out what the hell i want to talk about! lol. My brain is all over the place today. Like a mini tornado or the Tasmanian devil..(you know if you type australian bugs bunny character he doesn't show up? I had a brain blip and couldn't remember what that guy was called so I thought my best friend Google could help me.pfft.)
As you can see i have nothing to talk about, but what comes naturally as I sit here and type.
OH. We're having a garage sale and I've decided to purge my closet and my shoes. I know i have a problem. I have a lot of shoes I haven't worn in years. I have some I've gotten within the last couple of months that I have yet to wear! So those are going. And if they don't go, then I'll keep them, but yes I am selling a lot of shoes and clothes. Not just the worn out shirts that used to be black but now they're sorta charcoal grayish, because I've had them for so long and washed them so many times, but actual clothes I bought and don't wear at all. this should be interesting. I know i could probably sell more,'s difficult, it's my stuff. I don't have a lot of stuff! I probably could get rid of plates, mugs and some pots and pans I don't want anymore. But you never know when you'll need them!!!! OH poo now i've added more to my garage sale list. I need to stop thinking about it or else I'll think about selling some of my toys. Yes, toys. I have 5 Barbies still in their boxes, 7 or 8 lunchboxes (they may not be toys nor fashion accessories but to me they fit in this category), some cute stuffed animals (2 big Pooh bears that make good cuddlers and some cute bears from Gerr). Probably some other stuffs, but none of that will be sold. no no no.
Bella has a new lump. This friggin dog. I love her so much, now if only she can be fucking healthy for like, i dunno the rest of her friggin life???? I want her to live until I'm like 90. And dude that's a long time, if you know how old i am. No I am not 89. My friend/vet tech/bella's angel says that it's probably just a cyst or an abscess but we should probably take her in. hmm great. can't we wait a week???? She's as happy as a clam even if she looks a little like the strange guy from that book with a hunchback...which would be the Hunchback of Notredam....I like when I solve my own puzzles and riddles! it's like a got a point! from somewhere! i dunno where!
I think i'll stop babbling now. I've filled your head with stuff you'd probably wish you never read, because it was a waste of time reading it.
and if you read it all, yay me. :) and danka!
see you manana.
the tasmanian devil Looney tunes |
actual tasmanian devil.Thank you animal Planet. |
how did they come up with the cartoon??? strange.
Lame. or Lahme if you want to fancy.
Bella has a new lump. This friggin dog. I love her so much, now if only she can be fucking healthy for like, i dunno the rest of her friggin life???? I want her to live until I'm like 90. And dude that's a long time, if you know how old i am. No I am not 89. My friend/vet tech/bella's angel says that it's probably just a cyst or an abscess but we should probably take her in. hmm great. can't we wait a week???? She's as happy as a clam even if she looks a little like the strange guy from that book with a hunchback...which would be the Hunchback of Notredam....I like when I solve my own puzzles and riddles! it's like a got a point! from somewhere! i dunno where!
I think i'll stop babbling now. I've filled your head with stuff you'd probably wish you never read, because it was a waste of time reading it.
and if you read it all, yay me. :) and danka!
see you manana.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Well, atleast it's not Monday....
Is it just me or does it feel like Monday???? And is it just me but it's pretty fucked up that July 4th is on a Wednesday this year???? How stupid. I guess it breaks up the monotony a bit, but that's just cruel. We humans live for three day weekends, they make us happy.
I hope all of your weekends were safe and filled with fun in the sun. I had a lot of fun. The weekend was relaxing and pleasurable. I feel completely relaxed and almost reminded me of how good I felt when I went to NY. The weekend started with going to a movie on Friday night "The Avengers"
great friggin movie!!! Seriously great great great! Congrats Joss Whedon, you will no longer be just that guy who created Buffy the Vampire Slayer!( i know he's done a lot more, but when i hear his name I get pulled in by the Nerf Herder song and all I can think of is Buffy)
Saturday we went to see the Yankees open a can of whoop ass and win against the Oakland A's. I know my team isn't doing so great, but I am always happy to go to a game and see my favorite team win. We lucked out this time! We were on the Visitors side! Row 9!!! right by where the pitchers practice. It was awesome. Now i'm stoked about the next game in July. Must buy tickets!!!! Wish i could afford all three games! I want to express how much my boyfriend loves me. He takes pictures of Derek Jeter with his fancy camera for me! He likes taking pictures of action and sports shots, but he'll comment "i got a picture of your boy!" lol. yesssssss....he really does love me........
I'm officially hooked on Wattpad. I wanted free books, something interesting. Something where I didn't have to buy some random book and realize i do not like it...well wattpad is awesome because you can search by genre and then read a bunch of intro's or chapters, download it to your tablet, computer, iphone or whatever and enjoy. So many writers, so many stories! it's pretty damn cool. so check it out! After the game, the boyfriend had to get some things ready for the next day's adventure so I got hooked into a book on there and I didn't even have to pay for it!
Next day (right aren't you tired so far?No i wasn't i was up for anything this weekend!) Hello Bugorama 69! We got up super early and drove to Sacramento. On the way there I read to Gerr Jenny Lawsons' Let's Pretend this Never happened, time FLEW by and he really enjoyed the first two chapters. If you haven't read it, you should and if you still don't want to read it you're a poo poo head. ok so Bugorama think VW! Car show, drag races and swap meet! Our friend had to sell some stuff and Gerr got rid of parts that had been annoying me for months! so yay us! Gorgeous day too. I love swap meets like this because not only do you find cool VW related stuff (parts ofcourse, belt buckles, art, toys etc..) you'll also find collectables such as my favorite-LUNCHBOXES! I got myself a Gremlins tin lunchbox with thermos! Ebay is selling one for 39.95, I bought mine for 20. Also got a LIFE magazine-the JFK memorial edition for $2. I just googled it i found it here being sold for $100 or here for $29. I am kind of shocked...
Sunday Night Golden Gate Bridge Fireworks (Gerr got great pics, so I'll post them 6 months from now because that's probably when they'll get on the computer) We found a great spot and enjoyed the beauty of the lightshow and fireworks exploding into the sky causing all of us to OOH and AAH like children. Quite spectacular. happy birthday Golden Gate Bridge!
Monday Funday with a girlfriend. I lucked out and got a whole day to myself with a close girlfriend. She and I went to lunch, walked around, chatted, drank coffee etc. Felt so good laying about on the couch and just chatting to a friend about anything. We got some brats and her hubby fired up the grill, as you probably guessed Gerr went to work, but he got home just in time for us to eat some delish tastiness and watch part of the Lord of the Rings. Good weekend. ahhhh
This weekend I also ate right, exercised, played with my dog, did more reading, enslaved my Sims (start gardening bitches and make me some money-just kidding) on the Sims Freeplay, etc...ahhh. I can't wait for Friday to come all over again!
I'll be back tomorrow peepers.
P.S. I probably should edit and reread this entry, but fuck it. lol.
I hope all of your weekends were safe and filled with fun in the sun. I had a lot of fun. The weekend was relaxing and pleasurable. I feel completely relaxed and almost reminded me of how good I felt when I went to NY. The weekend started with going to a movie on Friday night "The Avengers"
great friggin movie!!! Seriously great great great! Congrats Joss Whedon, you will no longer be just that guy who created Buffy the Vampire Slayer!( i know he's done a lot more, but when i hear his name I get pulled in by the Nerf Herder song and all I can think of is Buffy)
Saturday we went to see the Yankees open a can of whoop ass and win against the Oakland A's. I know my team isn't doing so great, but I am always happy to go to a game and see my favorite team win. We lucked out this time! We were on the Visitors side! Row 9!!! right by where the pitchers practice. It was awesome. Now i'm stoked about the next game in July. Must buy tickets!!!! Wish i could afford all three games! I want to express how much my boyfriend loves me. He takes pictures of Derek Jeter with his fancy camera for me! He likes taking pictures of action and sports shots, but he'll comment "i got a picture of your boy!" lol. yesssssss....he really does love me........
![]() |
this pretty pic came from this site |
Next day (right aren't you tired so far?No i wasn't i was up for anything this weekend!) Hello Bugorama 69! We got up super early and drove to Sacramento. On the way there I read to Gerr Jenny Lawsons' Let's Pretend this Never happened, time FLEW by and he really enjoyed the first two chapters. If you haven't read it, you should and if you still don't want to read it you're a poo poo head. ok so Bugorama think VW! Car show, drag races and swap meet! Our friend had to sell some stuff and Gerr got rid of parts that had been annoying me for months! so yay us! Gorgeous day too. I love swap meets like this because not only do you find cool VW related stuff (parts ofcourse, belt buckles, art, toys etc..) you'll also find collectables such as my favorite-LUNCHBOXES! I got myself a Gremlins tin lunchbox with thermos! Ebay is selling one for 39.95, I bought mine for 20. Also got a LIFE magazine-the JFK memorial edition for $2. I just googled it i found it here being sold for $100 or here for $29. I am kind of shocked...
Sunday Night Golden Gate Bridge Fireworks (Gerr got great pics, so I'll post them 6 months from now because that's probably when they'll get on the computer) We found a great spot and enjoyed the beauty of the lightshow and fireworks exploding into the sky causing all of us to OOH and AAH like children. Quite spectacular. happy birthday Golden Gate Bridge!
Monday Funday with a girlfriend. I lucked out and got a whole day to myself with a close girlfriend. She and I went to lunch, walked around, chatted, drank coffee etc. Felt so good laying about on the couch and just chatting to a friend about anything. We got some brats and her hubby fired up the grill, as you probably guessed Gerr went to work, but he got home just in time for us to eat some delish tastiness and watch part of the Lord of the Rings. Good weekend. ahhhh
This weekend I also ate right, exercised, played with my dog, did more reading, enslaved my Sims (start gardening bitches and make me some money-just kidding) on the Sims Freeplay, etc...ahhh. I can't wait for Friday to come all over again!
I'll be back tomorrow peepers.
P.S. I probably should edit and reread this entry, but fuck it. lol.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Settling or unsettling...
I'm on a teeter totter most days. This week has been like hell in a hand basket and every time i reach in for a sandwich i get spat with fire and burnt to a crisp. So I figure put the hand basket in a corner underneath some foliage and call for take out. As you can tell the normal things I normally write about are on hold for now, because there's turmoil in my life and i need my blog. This is my space and i like that i can roam around freely in it...Let me just get myself comfortable. ahh...ok.
I had to meditate yesterday and while i'm laying there, breathing i keep thinking of the events of the day and the new random twist and the thoughts and feelings and vibes and I'm baffled. I keep breathing forcing my stomach to go up and down, trying to concentrate on just that but i cannot for the life of me stop thinking about this new piece of news, apparently I hate someone. I don't hate anyone. And it bothers me that someone would think that. Hate is a strong word. I use that for things like bugs; cockroaches especially. I do hate murderers, rapists and the such, but i don't even hate my ex husband or his ex girlfriend. It's just a waste of time to hate. I'm bothered that communication is so hard to come by these days and a simple question could have alleviated all of that in two seconds. But what can you do? Now things are more awkward than before and for me I just don't want to deal with it, because I think my heart will stop at any moment; it's over exercised. My health and mind is more important. That's why I had to stop certain things so that I could have peace of mind.
I have a lot to look forward to this weekend, next month and even next year. I have to keep my eye on the horizon so i don't get sick from all the waves pushing my little boat around. I have my little family that i love, i have my family on the East Coast and i have a handful of friends that i am surprised when i need their help they're there for me, even it's just for coffee. The simple things are all i need. Right now i need the simplest of them all, calm waters. I will be mindful of that this weekend, that will be my goal.
I hope you all have a wonderful day and I leave you with some Beastie Boys, because my heart still aches about MCA. love ya,
I had to meditate yesterday and while i'm laying there, breathing i keep thinking of the events of the day and the new random twist and the thoughts and feelings and vibes and I'm baffled. I keep breathing forcing my stomach to go up and down, trying to concentrate on just that but i cannot for the life of me stop thinking about this new piece of news, apparently I hate someone. I don't hate anyone. And it bothers me that someone would think that. Hate is a strong word. I use that for things like bugs; cockroaches especially. I do hate murderers, rapists and the such, but i don't even hate my ex husband or his ex girlfriend. It's just a waste of time to hate. I'm bothered that communication is so hard to come by these days and a simple question could have alleviated all of that in two seconds. But what can you do? Now things are more awkward than before and for me I just don't want to deal with it, because I think my heart will stop at any moment; it's over exercised. My health and mind is more important. That's why I had to stop certain things so that I could have peace of mind.
I have a lot to look forward to this weekend, next month and even next year. I have to keep my eye on the horizon so i don't get sick from all the waves pushing my little boat around. I have my little family that i love, i have my family on the East Coast and i have a handful of friends that i am surprised when i need their help they're there for me, even it's just for coffee. The simple things are all i need. Right now i need the simplest of them all, calm waters. I will be mindful of that this weekend, that will be my goal.
I hope you all have a wonderful day and I leave you with some Beastie Boys, because my heart still aches about MCA. love ya,
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Things I like
Yesterday was about things I didn't like, so today I'll offset it and talk about things i like:
- blowpops. yum. candy and gum. Sure the gum loses it's flavor super fast, but it's like a happy surprise when you get to the center.
- the friends I have that love me; the ones that respect me. Having a convo right now with one of my closest girlfriends and she makes me realize what friendship really is. Too bad she's far away and i can't see her everyday.
- i like my boyfriend. yes...i love him. but i like him too. lol. He's a good guy. He cares about things and people too much (which sometimes bites him in the ass), but those are good qualities and I like to share those things with him. He has his quirks, but he'd be boring without them.
- stargazer lilies. They smell great and they're gorgeous.
- this song.
the video freaks me out...but the song is rad.
- planning my weekends!!! all sorts of fun things! Yankee game on Saturday! Sunday flea market?? Golden Gate bridge's 75th birthday(oooh fireworks)!! and hopefully sleeping in late.
- when people "like" items i've added on pinterest. makes me feel cool. :) thanks fellow pinterest people.
- paying down credit cards! Hells the f yeah, only a couple hundred left and NY tix AND anything I put on the card is Paid off! phew!!!
- shopping. ugh. see above why i can't do anymore shopping...hehehe
- i like doggies. puppies. cats and kittens. Preferably all in the same room so i can cuddle freely.
- free lunch. we're getting free lunch today. i love free lunch.
- free hugs are cool too, except i always recall that south park episode where they wanted to free Hat and he was some kind of baby killer. not that that has anything to do with hugs, but it sorta matches.
- funny blogs and funny books. I love to read. If you look over all the blogs i follow they have one thing in common: they're real and humorous. love it.
- livingsocial deals for places we've already eaten at that are DELICIOUS.
enjoy your day!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
I don't have time for
the following:
- hideous behavior. For Example-yelling, talking down to people, etc...just a reason why I don't care for people like that. Those people always make more problems. Done with it. I only want peace in my life and conversations that do not escalate to yelling. No one ever has to agree, but there's no school yard bullshit.
- you know when you go to Starbucks and they've run out of coffee and they say it will be done in 8 minutes? yeah, i don't have time for that. Lucky world we have where a coffee shop is always about 5 minutes away from another one.
- being manipulated or tricked into a situation. I've learned my lesson too many times and now I definitely will never put myself through that again.
- Macho man displays. They're dumb. Everyone looks stupid.
- people that disrespect my family. Once you cross that line, you're out.
- pantyhose. I hate pantyhose. You know the nude kind? I am just not a fan and you will never catch me wearing those.
- pieces of string dangling from your clothes that you pull and then it just keeps unraveling and unraveling and you're like dammit and finally cut it with the scissors that have been within reach the entire time.
- white t shirts/tanktops etc... Nowadays, you have to wear a white tank top under your white tshirt because it's see through. I don't remember this ever being a problem. Or white tank tops are completely see through and you can't do anything about it except for wear a white bra and forget that everyone can see right through your shirt. Maybe walk around with a donation box since you're officially a peep show now.
- reading about BBQ ribs and then not having any to eat. very unfair.
- that band Crazy one hit wonder...why am i dancing in my chair.
- feeling cornered in my own here. This is my corner on the web. This is my place to write and vent. And i shouldn't care who reads this, but I do. But i won't anymore, because this is mine.
- body pain. Stress makes it worse. Thankfully I will be working on centering myself and blocking out the negativity so that will take up more time than being stressed out. Meditation....OHM.
- calling AT&T and changing wireless passwords. bleh.
- the rest of this blog. lol.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
i haven't abandoned you..
I'll be back soon. just busy busy's hard to write something too when you've got piles of stuff in front of you. So when i have a chance I shall return!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
I have returned...
And what a wonderful time we had. Made it very hard to leave, but I was pretty tired after walking every which way we wanted to go. We Californians have it easy, we drive everywhere! I had a wonderful time though. Spent time with my mother and my grandmother and I felt so at home, I actually didn't want to leave. Gerry and I spent a lot of time together on our own too and I felt pretty connected with him. We definitely needed a week to get away. Not only did i reconnect with myself through my family, but i also reconnected with my boyfriend and my family.
- random fact-squirrels in New York aren't scared of humans. When we arrived this squirrel kept walking super close to me, I'm pretty sure he thought I wasn't from there..Maybe he considered me "fresh meat".
- I realized that no matter how much pain I was in, I kept going. My back was all sorts of messed up. I blame fibro and excitement. Gerry called me a trooper. I realized, I'm not letting this crap interfere with my life.
- random fact #2-SFO has refilling stations for your water bottles. As you probably know, you can't take open containers through security. SFO has refilling stations so you can empty them out on one side and then refill them on the other! JFK doesn't have this and they charge 3 bucks for water once you reach the other side.
- Need to go to the bathroom in SOHO, NY? You could go to Starbucks and wait like 30 minutes for their one stall bathroom OR you can go to Old Navy...just a tip for my fellow travellers....
- Check out the car that "walks on water" per
- Some cool things happening in the Bay Area this weekend, I won't do what i usually do and tell you what's cool each day. I"m backed up over here with lots of crap so I'll just mention Bay to Breakers on Sunday. For more info on this and other events head on over to
- Hot on Hautelook-MIZ MOOZ cute cute cute shoes!!!
- Ideal on Ideeli-summer trend round up sale! prettty stuffs!!
- ok sorry to make it so short! have a wonderful day!!!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Bag is half way packed...
One suitcase is all we're bringing. I'm bringing dresses and a couple pairs of jeans. I even packed my jammies, can't forget those! Need to pack meds, hair stuff, makeup, etc....all the other essentials that go with this package. LOL! I am getting excited, but limiting myself to little excitements so that I can still enjoy and take in each day as it comes...It's hard for me to live in the present I guess. But I'm very happy and so peoples, I will not be here for about a week. You'll have to find the ideeli and hautelook stuff all on your own. i know painful.
- I was going to write about the differences between male and female sexes when it comes to cleaning the house, cooking and the such....I really want to, but I know it's very sexist. It's more my interpretation of the men i've had to deal with in my life and the current frustrations. I would have loved a video camera in my home on Saturday so that I could show Gerry that for every 5 breaks he took, I took a pee break and a water break. While I was on my hands and knees scrubbing, he was perusing CL for dune buggy parts. Or yesterday, when the man made me some delicious french fries and i had to follow him around picking up pieces of potato, wash the cutting board etc...but i will not write about that...not at all. But if I were to come home and he was doing this...
I don't think i'd be pissed. maybe not in pink or whatever, but you know scrubbing the floors would be neat. :)
- I don't know who reads my blog and i see i get hits from different countries and the such. I do want to share this Care 2 causes link to help a sanctuary for unwanted animals. They need a new place to go and they need it fast. Please click on this link and read about it. We need more doggy sanctuary's in this world. Please help in any way you can. Information or money. or just send prayers if that's all you can afford.
- hehehe, cute stubbydog video link here! This is for their contest! it's too cute.
- Apparently i need to study the map of SFO and the airtrain at head hurts.I know where i need to go, but looks or airtrain? We'll see how we feel.
- hot on hautelook-for men kid robot-hats, beenies, tshirt, awesome bay to breakers toys-pure SF fun. Core Bamboo-up to 75% off. Now I have seen items at Ross but the prices are still higher! sooo, go check it out. Great kitchen stuff, think cutting boards, bowls, pastry rollers, etc...
- Ideal on ideeli-for her Juicy Couture-I would be an idiot if i didn't tell you they were on this site. AWESOME prices and some dresses are to die for...I'm so sad. Hopefully they'll be back!!! sorry male species, i don't really think the men stuff was worth writing about...
- Girls, remember to go shopping with friends. I did that yesterday and had a fabulous time. Sometimes you just gotta get in the dressing room with your girlfriends and try on an insane amount of dresses and have a ball.
- I need to buy Yankee stuff when i get there. I am bringing my yankee tshirt...hmm, should i wear my jersey???
- Alright my little fawns...time to leave to you later or tomorrow. Ciao!
Friday, May 4, 2012
wow...I just found out that Adam Yauch from the Beastie Boys passed away. I am swallowing my tears, because I love the Beastie Boys. I've listened to them all of my life. Hurts to hear that such an influential rapper, writer, film director etc....
you will be missed. Your fans love you and adore you....
This week flew by....
I must be doing something right! These days are going by smoother and a bit faster. Hopefully the weekend will go nice and slow so I can enjoy it. Don't you love when you're planning your activities and "cleaning the house" is on the top of your list? Since my body decided it didn't like me anymore (4 months ago) I've tried to do the best I can to keep up with the cleaning, but I can't do it on my own. Hopefully Gerry will get the hint-I've repeated it like 10 times at various times. I wonder when it will sink in. He's become super glued to the dune buggy project, which is nice-we've had the dune buggy for like 3 years-but i need him to help me clean. It will only speed up the process. Isn't it funny when men clean they do an area and then they have to rest????? Women clean and they make sure the whole room is immaculate before they go on to another room and at the least start part of it before they can take a pee break and drink some water. I hate dragging out cleaning. It shouldn't take a whole day. It should be like 4 hours tops (depending on the size of your home), but with two people that's a lot of area to cover. I have a goal and it's a nice clean house to come back to after our trip. Keep your fingers crossed that Gerry doesn't turn into a 4 year old when i make him clean the easiest rooms in the house-living room, sun porch, outside, and his side of the bed.
- Cinco de Mayo tomorrow...any plans??? Not sure yet on our end. We're meeting up with some friends tomorrow evening, so i'm hoping some Mexican is in order..Need help figuring out a yummy menu? Well remember that Carnitas is easy-think Crockpot! I may need to make this for Seis de Mayo? Also Guacamole!! My version of guac is pretty easy, just don't forget the salt. Think avocados, a little bit of onion, some tomato (or leave it out), lemon, garlic salt. I don't peppers in my guac because i don't want it spicy. Play around with it, but always taste, taste, taste!!! ok now i need some Guacamole...since I'm drooling, here's a pic for you to join in...
what' |
- Ideal on Ideeli-Day at the Derby-favorite item here is the Black nude floral strapless dress...very very classy and cute. $79.99
Tommy Bahama outdoors items; think hammocks and towels.
- Hot on Hautelook-BBDakota and Jack-really pretty dresses. Favorite item here is a Jack Ward Dress 29 buckaroos....
I love wedges sale.
mmmm fridays are fabulous don't ya think? I can't wait to go out to dinner with my friends tonight to thank them for helping with our pup-I cannot describe how much they're relieving my anxiety by being such great aunties. We're taking them out to the Cheesecake factory. I think I need to study the menu before we go....Have you seen the menu? It's a book? Maybe not War and Peace but a small novel has about the same amount of letters.
- As a migraine sufferer, I love to give people more information about migraines. Lifescript's article Migraine Relief:10 Myths and Facts is informative.
- Bella was a lot better last night...sounded like a piggy a couple of times, but she slept in her own bed (for a little while). Bella is like a child. When she's sick, she plops herself onto our bed and I cannot move her 72 lb body. It's like she knowwwws, I'm a weakling. Anyway, hopefully this reverse sneezing crap is going buh bye.
- Because I'm sometimes a bit random...I realized that a lot of things have dual purposes...Like this cup in front of me-i can turn it into a vase! it would be a stupid vase, but you know reuse, reduce, recycle and I began my search in investigating what can you do with tampons. They serve one purpose, but what have other people done with them??? well I can't look at such things here(blocker), please look at your own risk, but hey sounds like an innocent site.
- As I was meticulously searching for about 5 minutes i realized that young girls these days are friggin lucky. Wikihow has an article on how to have the perfect first period. My experience wasn't terrible, i was bummed out for sure, but i had no idea what was going on. Sure i had health ed and stuff, but i think that happened after the period. probably want me to stop talking about my period huh? ok...ending...this....topic.
- and because i'm in love with Textsfromadog.....
- Alrighty, i gotta boogy...hope you all have a great day! be safe this weekend. Don't drink and drive. lot's o love.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Thursday's are for paying bills...
and staring at my bank account asking the Money Gods for more money. I don't think they're listening. It would help if I stopped spending money. Maybe I could be like my Sim who always has leftovers in the fridge, gardens and bakes for money and her dog digs around the yard and finds cash. sigh...Am I the only person who doesn't want mean Sims? I refuse to make one rude to another Sim. I am entirely too nice. My Sims are employed yet they can never make it to work, because I do not have a data plan on my tablet. lol. oh well, work the fields bitches, garden your asses off!! I know you were so interested in my Sims. don't want to live next door. :)
- Hot on Hautelook-there are like 3-4 womens items that are gorgeous. so go and check it.Mens items, kids items and home items...i need to close the page...oh and Imoshion....grrr...
- Ideal on Ideeli-ARGGGH...kitchenaid....and soooo much more......
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found on the Edge of Dreaming Blog. |
- I already have plans on Friday and Saturday night, but here are some cool ideas for this Cinco de Mayo weekend!
Star Wars Bike that sounds like a fun thing to see. May4th
Burlesque and Creepy Puppet Show May 4th
San Francisco Cinco de Mayo Festival at Dolores Park May 5th
Free Comic book day-May 5th
Classic Cars and Sausage Oakland May 5th
Capture the Flag, Golden Gate Park May 5th
Free Hot Dog Day, Richmond May 6th
Open Studios Marin! May 6th
- mmmm listen and watch...
- I'd like to whine about this body pain for a sucks. whine whine whine...go away..
- Gerr and I will be in NY a week from today!!!! how awesome is that?
- Read the following blogs, because they're funny and maybe you'll learn something:
How to Score a dog bite: The Joggers and Biker's Edition-Notes from a dogwalker
My favorite dog safety group was on TV, check out DoggoneSafe
Need some Cinco de mayo food ideas check out:
- Speaking of dog...Bella was reverse sneezing a lot last night. it's loud and scary sounding and it's stupid to call it a reverse sneeze. I gave her some benadryl this morning so hopefully that calms down whatever is bothering her.
- Fibro pain sucks. :(
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
The Traveling Bug.
In a week we'll be flying to our NYC destination! I'm excited and trying not to stress about it. The only thing stressful about traveling is attempting to pack appropriately for the weather. This week it's raining in NYC, it's about 60 or so degrees and it looks like the day we land will be a wet one. Normally I don't care about weather forecasts. You learn to ignore them in California. The weatherman will announce rain in the late afternoon and then it won't happen. The good thing is we get to miss or not fly into thunderstorms, but what does suck is there's a chance of rain on the Friday-stupid 10 day forecast...I guess i'll just have to keep looking. I may not be packing light, but i will not bring my rain boots!
- Our friends are also traveling about going to a wedding, we wish them happy travels!
- Yesterday I wrote about my mini panic attack....felt good to let it out and I did take a walk after work which helped me out a lot. After dinner, I took a hot shower. My muscles were pretty stiff. If anyone has any advice on all of this, of course I welcome your emails or comments below. I'm still learning all about this, knowledge is important and I thank you in advance for any advice.
- There's this enormous pile of clothing in our back room of things i don't want. I heard about Wow, this is an awesome site! I may have to go through my stuff!!! So you can shop for clothing, accessories, shoes, jewelry etc...Just remember to check the sizes...Unfortunately that's the problem I think people will find, but seriously go take a look and if you have really nice items in your closet and you want to make some money, try it on, also tell me what you think!!!
- hot on Hautelook-Pretty in pink and lace. I really like the items featured here. They're pretty. All sorts of different designers and prices, so please go browse!
- Ideal on Ideeli-oh the cuteness of knitted dove. :) love some of the retro styles they add to their designs. too cute.
- Here's a story from about Macy the Lonely Pitbull. A touching story with a happy ending and a children's box to create awareness about the breed. touches my heart.
- I'd like to tell the app creators and the such that your facebook updates bite on the Samsung Galaxy. Where the hell is my share button???? Also, when it updated the last time, it looked super cool and then in like 10 minutes it went away...bastards.
- Speaking of Apps. I shouldn't be allowed to play any games that i get addicted to....such as the Sims. I am a Sims addict. Well, now it's on my tablet. eeeevil......Funny part is that their jobs start at 10am and if you know me, my tablet isn't with me at 10 am but sitting on a charger at home. lol. there will be a lot of "planting" going on to make some money....
- 2.99 Hot Topic Sale!
- Tonight is Bocce Ball. Hope we make our coach proud and win some more games!
- Funny shit HERE.-this chick makes me laugh
- I need i just entered random picture and saw like 6 of my own from this blog. AWESOMESAUCE!
- I found a random facts website-go here and learn some edumacation, such as: The numbers '172' can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial. or The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Post numero dos for the dia....
I have to walk myself through all of this craziness: anxiety and fibro pain. The two are interconnected. What better way to go through the motions than by blogging about them. I feel that in this way i can bring myself into the present and calm myself down, therefore relaxing my muscles and releasing the tension. Not sure what brought it about but i am finding myself in the middle of a mini panic attack. I think it was because the other night i felt a pain in my left butt cheek (lol yup my ass felt a pain and now i'm freaking out about it). In traditional fibro style the pains start moving around. That area no longer hurts, but my shoulder muscles started to tighten and i must have slept wrong, because my neck hurts. It's not so bad, because I am finally used to it. Sucks right? Well, i have to get over the sucky part and relax about it. The more I stress, the more pain i'll feel. I popped half an ativan. I hate benzo's, so i have to let go of that stress as well. The benzo's will teach me relaxation-I will not become an addict. (hello self, let's let go of that stuff, it's inconsequential at the moment). With every breath i take I must release the tension. The breaths are shorter, so i have to force deeper breaths and ignore the heavier beating i'm feeling. Live in the present. Right here, right now. Not the other day, not an hour from now, but live right now. Release the tension right now. Closing my eyes makes me feel at ease. Imagining that i'm weightless helps too. I turned on my heater and got warmer too. My hands get freezing cold when i begin to stiffen up. Not sure if it's the ativan or the fact i averted my attention to something else but the hearts calmed down and my breathing has relaxed. I feel a little weighed down on my shoulders but I have to continue to think weightless thoughts. I'm also distracting myself and keeping busy. I get to go home soon, so I know that will make me feel better. I definitely need a walk, but i will think about that later.
I feel a bit better. I didn't want to write every emotion down and get bogged down in negative stuff. Writing down my thought process helped for me. Not sure if it will help for anyone else. But it's good for me to go back to when I need it.
I feel a bit better. I didn't want to write every emotion down and get bogged down in negative stuff. Writing down my thought process helped for me. Not sure if it will help for anyone else. But it's good for me to go back to when I need it.
Sometimes my inbox knows me well.
When I checked my inbox this morning I read "Weight loss tips for Fibromyalgia sufferers" I don't remember specifying my disorder on their site, but wow that was a nice thing to see. I've been stressing about it a lot. I haven't gained a large amount of weight, but I was pretty active before all of this. So what is all of this anyway, you may ask? Remember when i had that radiating pain down my arm? Well the pains started traveling all over the place and I was getting annoyed, because this isn't the first time. Remember how I was annoyed by my chiropractor, well I decided that every time i was in pain or my back was bothering me, i was going to tell my doctor. So I did. We did some pressure point tests and she finally diagnosed me with Fibro. It's great, now i know what the hell is up with this brain fog, fatigue, random pains, headaches, migraines, anxiety, etc...every piece formed a circle and now i'm in the middle not wanting to move. Problem is I have to. I have to get outside and move around. I cannot be sedentary. I didn't walk yesterday. I will today. Most sites say walking 6 times a week is key, I pretty much destroyed Sunday, so I have to get out there this week. I've been eating pretty well, but it's so hard to lose the muscle i created by working hard all those months. Time to push restart, gently of course. Now on with the crap....
i think i'm going to talk to this hand about nothing at all because i have no idea what to write about today.
i think i'm going to talk to this hand about nothing at all because i have no idea what to write about today.
i still like hot dogs. I just eat them in moderation-think three times a year.
- Pistachios. I would really like some right about now. I'm feeling a bit snacky....I have no snacks at my desk. I have water...must drink water. I'm going to mention a snack that is more addicting than pistachios....CHEEEEEZ IT'S. oh crap. time for something different...
- My handy dandy tennis ball rocks my knotty muscles. Anyone else with body pain? You may look like a bear scratching it's back against a tree, but seriously helps.
- Ideal on Ideeli-just go check it...i can't decide on just one. there are sandals, marilyn monroe celeb style...etc...
- Hot on Hautelook-BeFine Skin cream looks good and affordable.
- Salad of the day-well i made some cole slaw last night with Apple Cider Vinegar added some green onions and mixed that into my red leaf lettuce, topped some carrots and black beans and some shredded chicken voila. :) yes i did have my smoothie too.
- I am not very interesting today.
- So remember this....
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