I'M BURSTING!!! Sooooooo happy. i can't wait. I do have to add that stepping dog shit this morning made me a grouchy bitch. So trying do de-grouch as we speak.
- WHAT IS FLOTATION THERAPY? Dammit I must have deleted the livingsocial deal. I found it a bit funny, but if it consists of going to the moon for a couple of days, i'm in...
- I must share this deliciousness....wow...if only Gerry liked chickpeas.
- My animals aren't this cute...check out kitty yoga on cuteoverload.com
- 60% off online items on Forever 21. may just need to peek....
- My boyfriend should have won an award last night for straightening up the living room and ordering pizza....made me wonder where it all came from, but i ran with it. We watched Winnie the Pooh's Very Merry Christmas AND White Christmas. hehe. yay me.
- My appetizer menu i think is changing by the day...I think it's a must to have deviled eggs, yet i didn't think about it until yesterday. Personally, deviled eggs are the most delish thing evah. Basically with deviled eggs i taste as I go, add the mayo first, salt, pepper, a little mustard if i want. etc.
I like the bacon idea, just have to remind myself to leave some baconless for the vegetarians.
Stuffed Mushrooms- i may make these...they are time consuming, need to be presented warm and i'm trying to not use my oven. Not enough counter space means i must improvise and use my stove as a counter by putting a board on top and covering with tablecloth-which means NO cooking. So for all of you other people, make these they're always a hit. yummy
Brie in puffed pastry with cranberry sauce - this is delicious and i'm not a huge fan of brie. I know this is supposed to be cooked in the oven, but it's too good to pass up. i may use a friends oven. first of all #1 wrap brie and cranberry sauce in puff pastry, cook until the puff pastry is cooked, done. I know now you're confused about the whole wrapping and cranberry sauce, looky here. this is what it should look like:
Let's give em something to munch about... these bread sticks look easy peasy and i can do em early in the am and put them out like displayed. i like this idea.
Ok so we have some stuff here but we need a dessert and something hearty. For dessert I still have some of my homemade caramel so I'd like to make something with it, but WHAT!!!! i did see these cute brownie bites with a strawberry as a santa hat and some white icing or something in between...hmmmm... For something hearty, i like the idea of these chicken wraps with a curry flavor...i dunno..see this is an issue.. ihave a feeling i'm going to be changing my mind thirty times in the next week and we need to buy the food for the party this weekend! ack...
- and now for something Christmassy
some of these pictures crack me up. Santa looks a bit lonely in the first photograph, none of the dogs care about him. Second one, scares me. Third one what are they all looking at? 4th one that doggy thinks Santa tastes GOOD!.
Alright everyone I must go! have a great day!